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pt. 1/2

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THE DAY OF NEW YEARS EVE CAME quicker than expected, and currently, the sounds of Bohemian Rhapsody chorused through the home.

      Sirius Black, who was already severely drunk, whipped his hair to the music — singing the words expertly as he pulled Remus into a dance. Which was basically just jumping. And Peter was leaning against the wall, tapping his foot to the tune while also taking small sips of his drink — occasionally letting out a quiet laugh as Remus tried to escape Sirius's grasp — failing to do so each time.

      The girls, besides Petunia, were still in Lily's room — getting ready for the night that had already begun. And Petunia, along with James (who insisted on helping), were making appetizers to eat.

      Though, James didn't seem to be that much help, especially as he took the spatula right out of Petunia's hand — using it as a microphone.

     "I DON'T WANNA DIE," He dramatically sang out, "I SOMETIMES WISH I'D NEVER BEEN BORN AT ALL," he continued off key, and Petunia quickly turned before he could see the cringe laced on her face.

     "Very good, Jamesies," She sarcastically clapped, watching as he bowed, "Could I possibly get my spatula back now?"

And much to her dismay, he said no.

Instead, the boy continued his singing — now pointing to the dancing Sirius and Remus, who were laughing happily. And even Petunia held back her own smile, instead opting to grab herself a new spatula, continuing her cooking.

However, as the booming voice of Marlene McKinnon rung out, Petunia was quick to peak up — almost feeling her heart drop at the sight of Lily.

she looked beautiful.

Her ginger hair was pulled back into a high ponytail and her dress, that seemed to fit perfectly, cascaded down mid thigh — and just as she turned their direction, Petunia could even see the perfect makeup that aligned her face.

       Because of the sight, Petunia mindlessly reached for her messy braid, frowning slightly.

the comparison was unmatched.

And as she now noticed that James was being uncharacteristically quiet, her heart raced slightly more than before. Almost as an instinct, Petunia courage'd up a glance over at him. And, as she expected the worst, her face grew red rather quickly — seeing as he wasn't looking at Lily, but right back at her.

Petunia's heart warmed.

     But, as she looked back towards Lily, who had her eyes solely on James the whole time — Petunia frowned. Because, as if her mind knew — in the end, he'd choose her.

but why did that matter to her?

it didn't.

However, Petunia couldn't deny the sick feeling in her stomach as Lily walked over to the boy. And she suddenly felt nauseated as Lily gave him the most genuine smile she could — right before bringing her lips dangerously close to his ear, whispering something. And Petunia, who was quite uncomfortable with the sight, moved away from the two — now joining Peter.

Petunia missed the nod James gave Lily.

     "I hate New Years," Peter's quiet voice was almost drowned out by ABBA — and at his words, Petunia raised her brows, even giving him a small frown.

Though, as she let her eyes wander, she soon regretted it — seeing as James left with Lily.

she suddenly agreed with him.

And at the sight, Petunia quickly grabbed Peter's cup, drinking it quickly.

he stared down at his now empty hand.

"Sorry," She looked at him apologetically, right before pausing, "Was that water?"

     And to her relief, Peter couldn't help but laugh, nodding along, "Yes, need something stronger? I could go for something stronger."

Petunia gave him a sarcastic eye roll.

"Something stronger than water," She gasped, pulling him into the kitchen, "Do they make such thing?"

       Peter huffed out dramatically in response, slamming his plastic cup against the table, "I wish!"

Silence overtook.

And they burst out into laughter.

"But seriously," he tried to make a serious face, ultimately failing, "We have something called butter beer. It doesn't have a lot of alcohol, but it's enough to give you small buzz after a mug."

Petunia was trying her best to hear him over the blaring music, nodding to the words she could understand, "It's... made of butter?" She asked in full seriousness, pouring a small shot of vodka.

Peter stared at her blankly.


Petunia stared back at him.

"I hate you."

         And he only smirked, grabbing his own shot glass as she took her own, tapping their glasses against the table. "Cheers," he stated, clinging his glass against her own. And as Petunia watched both James and Lily reenter the room — she looked down at her shot,


pt. 1/2

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