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reunited and it feels so good

PROFESSOR MCGONAGALL IGNORED the loud music and singing as she brought the three back to their common room — and Petunia was still a few feet away, staring at the few paintings that just spoke to her.

"Well, thank you! I like yours too!" She replied rather happily, despite the previous news, to the painting in front of her, "The color really brightens out your eyes—"

"Miss- Petunia," McGonagall interrupted the girl, holding back her own smile, "Please, come here."

And almost immediately, she did. Petunia awkwardly jogged up to the small group, staring at the door that was vibrating due to the music.

McGonagall rolled her eyes.

"You don't have too... party," She spoke rather abruptly, staring down at the blonde, "It's been a long day that's much of an excuse."

And despite Petunia nodding in agreeance, having a real yawn escape her lips — the blonde knew she wouldn't go to bed straight away.

There was someone she wanted to see.

"The password is Dunglepops."

Though, Petunia was hardly listening, already making her way into the room as the doors opened widely.

She couldn't help but smile.

The room was crowded, people were dancing and screaming, celebrating the recent win of their team. The music was unknown to her, but she didn't mind it.

Instead, Petunia curiously made her way through each and every person — right before hearing the familiar voice of Marlene McKinnon, who was dramatically belting out to the words of the song, eventually being pulled up onto a table by Peter — who was drunkly dancing.

Her smile widened.

    And almost as it couldn't get better, just a few feet away, both Sirius and Dorcas were jumping in unison, pouring three shots.

One for Sirius.

One for Dorcas.

And one for him.

    The curly brown hair, the tilted glasses on his nose — James Potter held a huge smile on his face, mouthing the words as they came.

Petunia suddenly didn't mind pushing.

    Because just as quickly as she saw him, Petunia roughly pushed past each of the strangers — not even stopping herself as she jumped onto him for a hug.

James was startled at the action.

And he gently pushed her back.

    But as he stared at her, and she at him — James finally realized who had jumped in his arms. And as that realization dawned on his face, Petunia couldn't help but laugh, feeling him pull her into his chest once more.

     "WHAT THE FUCK, TUNA!" His voice laced with excitement, holding her closer with each word. And almost as he couldn't believe it, he placed his hands on each of her shoulders — holding her a few inches away.

"What are you doing here?"

"Quidditch IS real!"

The combination of their voices muffled together over the music. And as they barely registered what the other had said, they both followed by saying 'what?!' right after.

But Petunia pushed away the words, pulling him back into a hug.

"I've missed you, Jamesies," her voice was quiet over the music. But he had heard her — and quickly repeated her words, meaning it.

Her heart raced.

His stomach flipped.

And just before their hug could last any longer, Dorcas pulled her away from the boy — grinning at the sight of her.

"You're really here!" she soberly stated, helping stand a drunk Sirius, "How? Why? When?"

And instead of answering, Petunia only shook her head in response, mouthing the word 'later' — which was all Dorcas needed. She nodded back.

Petunia looked to Sirius next.

    With his drunken state, he had yet to realize who was in front of him. And instead, he leaned heavily onto a struggling Dorcas, keeping his gaze on a certain part of the crowd.

Right onto Remus Lupin.

      And Petunia had noticed this subtle detail as well. But as she didn't want to exactly expose the boy, she pretended not to notice, and instead looked back towards James, who stared directly at her.

They matched each others smile.

     And as the music was abruptly turned off, leading for groans and disappointed yells to happen — Professor McGonagall cleared her throat, placing both hands on her hips.

   And with no words being said, each and every student took off into their respected dorms — leading the woman to nod in response.

"That's what I thought."

too tired to edit this, so if you notice any mistakes, bad writing sections, etc. please let me know (:

P.EVANS + J.POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now