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forehead kissed<3

WITH A YAWN ESCAPING HER LIPS, Petunia was finally awake from her nap, feeling as James's fingers fiddled with the necklace around her neck, smiling.

He had not realized she'd woken up.

And using that to her advantage, Petunia subconsciously scrunched her nose, tucking her face further into the crook of his neck — getting immediate butterflies as his other hand tangled into her hair, twisting the blonde locks between his fingers.

She enjoyed the feeling.

And as he stayed in his position, messing with both her hair and necklace — she was surprised to hear him talking to her, thinking she was still asleep.

But he did check first.

"Tuna?" He started shortly, but as she didn't respond, he tried once more, "Petunia?"

She stayed quiet.

He let out a strained sigh.

"I'm going to admit something, alright?" His tone was quiet, almost nasally, "And I don't know how to talk about it — especially to you." he continued his whisper, nerves dripping off each word that he spoke, "So this would be a good start.." James trailed off, "while she's bloody sleeping."

Petunia held back her smile.

"I've got this really unusual feeling," He paused momentarily, "In my stomach..." He thought out, "When I look at you, think of you.. talk about you." James rambled. "I do that a lot, by the way — think of you," His chest vibrated against her cheek as he laugh. "I thought I was going mad." He countered, "I tried writing you a few times, never had the... confidence. Felt like I was always writing something stupid or something you wouldn't care to read about." James continued, "But then I realized that you would listen to anything I'd say. Why? I don't know." He answered himself. "I just think.. I think I realized that I may have caught some—"

"JAMES, WHAT," the shout of Dorcas Meadowes hit the room.

And since Petunia wasn't expecting that, she shot up in surprise, hitting her head against the headboard.

The raven haired girl stared at them.

"Excuse me," She placed her hands on her hips, "Since when has this been going on?" She questioned, but before they could answer, she asked another. "And how the hell did you even get up here?"

James simply sent a wink.

And Petunia, with a hand on her now piercing forehead, simply pointed her finger — swishing it in circles as she said, "Wingardium.. Leviosa."

Dorcas suddenly became impressed.

But she hid it.

     "Whatever," She mumbled, falling back onto her bed, "You missed class — had to work with Snape," Dorcas faked a gag, "Kept asking me about Lily." She rolled her eyes, sitting up, "How is she? Does she talk about me? Forgive me?" She did her best Snape impression. "And I was like," She continued, "No, Snape.. Now do the bloody assignment." Dorcas paused, and just when both James and Petunia thought the story was over, she quickly proved them wrong. "And then he..." She started — causing James to cry out in boredom, falling back onto Petunia's pillow.

Dorcas threw her shoe at him.

He stared at her wide eye'd.

Petunia stayed in her seat, innocently watching.

And Dorcas then looked at the clock.

"Don't you have—"


     Petunia's ears rung at his yelling realization, and as he sprinted his way out of their dorm — the blonde was surprised to see him abruptly stop at the doorway, seemingly thinking. And again, to her surprise, James rushed back into the room — placing a warm, lingering kiss against her forehead before rushing out of the room once more.

Petunia's eyes were wide.

Dorcas's mouth was agape.

And Petunia's heart began to race.

     "Did he just.." Dorcas breathlessly asked. Or, at least, tried too. Because, like Petunia, she was in just as much shock as the blonde.

       Petunia didn't answer the unfinished question, but instead looked at her friend — not hiding the wide smile that painted her face.

      "Dorcas," She started shyly, and her friend was quick to sit at the neighboring bed, listening intently. "I think—" Petunia started awkwardly, "I think— I, well. You know - Like I think that I.. You know? Yeah? Right..." She nervously stuttered out, looking at Dorcas for a response.

But she only stared, laughing at Petunia.

"What was that?"

      Petunia took another breath, cringing at the shakiness that followed.

     "I think," She restarted, catching Dorcas's encouraging look, "That I really like James."

     And almost just as quickly, Dorcas leaned forward, placing a sympathetic hand on her shoulder, "Can I be completely honest?"

     Out of instinct, Petunia shook her head no, fearful of what she'd say. But at the exact same time, she mumbled, "Yes."

     And Dorcas furrowed her brows in response. But as Petunia stayed quiet — seemingly waiting for Dorcas to speak again, she decided to continued.

"It's really obvious."


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