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trigger warning - drug use

drunk at night

        PETUNIA EVANS HICCUPED A laugh as Oliver had an arm around her shoulder, tightly holding the girl towards his body. Another beer was held in the blonde's hand as she took a swig, already forgetting how many she consumed that night.

        Henry was currently holding back Amber's hair as she drunkly puked into the roadside, and Petunia crinkled her nose in disgust as the sounds of gagging had escaped her friends lips.

She almost felt like vomiting herself.

         And Oliver, noticing this , rolled his eyes at Ambers action and pulled Petunia away from the group, wanting to get away from the puking girl. But at the action, Henry noticed and tried to protest. Though, he immediately earned an angry look from Oliver. With that, the boy sighed inwardly, dropping her hair and leaving the girl alone to fend for herself.

Petunia felt guilty at this, but with her mind being too fuzzy for her to truly focus, she ignored her thoughts and continued to walk with the boys.

       The street lights that illuminated their surroundings were the only way for the group to see clearly. However, the brightness of the lights caused a severe headache to hit the girl, making her grumble as she walked.

Though, once they reached a dark alleyway, Petunia decided to take charge, taking the two boys away from the glaring street lights and into the consumption of the dark alley. The boys followed her mindlessly, softly snickering at the girl's sudden change in direction, but quickly stopped once she shot them a glare.

      "I don't think I've drank this much in weeks," Her soft voice slurred as she tried to stare at the two, "My headaches killer."

     "Careful" One of the boys laughed, though Petunia couldn't make out who, "Your strict ass  family wouldn't like hearing you say that."

     Petunia wanted to roll her eyes, but found herself rather distracted as a lighter had been lit in front of her — showing off the blunt that was now in focus.

       "They don't talk to me much anyways," She responded unsurely, taking the drug from Henry's lips and placing them on her own, "They're too worried about their dear Lily."

        "Ah," Henry chuckled shortly, "Your sister that you never speak about. What happened to her again?"

       Petunia, this time successfully rolling her eyes, glared at her friend, "If I told ya I'd have to kill ya," She winked, though, not an ounce of sarcasm dripped from her words.

"I love a good mystery."

Petunia shrugged.

"When is she coming home again?"

"In a few weeks?" She questioned her words, not knowing the day, "She's bringing a group with her apparently, don't know their names."

"Did she finally write you back?" Oliver replied surprisingly, blowing the smoke from his lips, "I thought you weren't in communication."

"We aren't" She responded quickly, "She told my parents. I heard them talking about it when I was in my room," She clarified, "Something about her friends and a group of boys. Though, apparently, she isn't too fond of one of them."

Petunia ignored the questioning glances she received and instead looked towards the streets, noticing that Amber had finally found them.

"You little shits!" She laughed out, tripping over her feet as she made her way towards them, "If it wasn't for Henry's annoying voice, I wouldn't be able to find you."

Henry kept a look of mock offense at her words and Petunia let out a small laugh, something she hadn't truly done in years.

"Any who," Amber continued, being louder than needed, "I heard your conversation and," She paused, turning towards Petunia with a semi-serious face, "You can always sneak to my place if your uptight sister becomes too much."

Petunia shortly nodded at the girl, knowing that Amber wouldn't remember this invitation the next day. Although the pink haired girl would be rather nice to the blonde at times, deep down Petunia knew the girl deeply hated her — especially with all the attention she had gotten from the two boys.

Once the blunt was finished off, a few more drinks had been finished, and the many conversations turned into silence, Petunia had bided goodnight to the trio — walking aimlessly towards the street.

The group let her go carelessly and Petunia struggled to find her way home — pulling her thin clothing closer to her body as the temperature dropped. And because of the colder weather, Petunia's steps went faster while her eyes trailed the houses.

Finally, it landed on her own.

And like every other night, the blonde made her way into her window and awkwardly fell onto her flooring, letting a quiet thud emit from her room. Though, as her parents were fast asleep, no one heard the blonde sneak drunkly back into her room — falling asleep in that exact spot.


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