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you aren't stupid, you wear glasses

      THE FOLLOWING DAY ARRIVED, and Petunia was surprised to be woken up so early by yelling. Since even the sun was still rising, illuminating a pink sky — it was far too early for anyone in the household to even be up.

except for the parents, since they left for work.


      So, when Petunia peaked out her door, she was surprised to see both Lily and James standing in the living room, seemingly fighting as quietly as they could.

     Lily's face was almost as bright as her hair and James's hair was pushed back in aggravation — his glasses standing on the tip of his nose.

      "I don't understand, Lily," He hushed out to her, almost pacing as he spoke, "I've done everything," he spoke, "I left you alone when you wanted to be alone, I stood up for you when Snivellus called you that.... awful name." He paused, "You've been telling me from time to time that I have a chance to be with you.. you've been telling me that since last year — but when I finally bring it up... you want nothing to do with me!"

"Then maybe you should let it rest!" She spat back — and Petunia flinched at her tone, getting reminded of the fight they had years ago. "I cannot make myself like you for the life of me! Nor would I want too, since you have the personality span of a child!"

James looked at her, opening his mouth before glancing down to the flooring, "And how long have you known this — how long have you been dragging me along?" He spoke back, "Because just a week ago, when we were all leaving for the holidays, you seemed pretty furious with the fact that I mentioned moving on from you— don't interrupt me," He paused his sentence, seeing as she opened her mouth to talk, "I knew there was no chance for me — I knew that — and deep down, I knew I didn't even want that chance with you," He spoke honestly, and Lily had a look of hurt on her face, "Because it all started as this mocking game, didn't it? I would confess my love for you and you'd act all annoyed, talking shit to your friends," He pushed up his glasses, "This was all a big game, between me and you, wasn't it?"

      Petunia watched as Lily stared down at James, right before wiping the tears that pricked from her eyes.

"Yes. It was."

and she walked away.

The smile that always graced the boy's lips did not even linger, and as a tear escaped his own eye, Petunia watched as he cursed — making his way outside.

Lily had went to the bathroom herself, slamming the door as she did so — and suddenly Petunia felt conflicted.

When she left her own room, she'd first stepped to the bathroom — barely hovering her hand over the door as sobs could be heard on the other side. She was going to knock. Petunia was going to try and comfort the girl who caused her years of suffering. Though, before she could even think to knock, she stopped herself — peering towards the door James just went through.

She paused, deep in thought.

And as she glanced once more at the door, Petunia placed her hand back to her side, ultimately following after the tearful boy.

P.EVANS + J.POTTERTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang