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a totally surreal moment to be waiting in line at a store and seeing the person in front of me OPEN MY JAMES FIC LMAOOOO — dead.

to you — enjoy this chapter (;

please.. like ... stop

     VERNON HAD GROWN IN SIZE since the last time Petunia had seen him. His shirt, that had lost each and every one of its buttons was wide open, revealing his stained white tank. His hair, that reached the lobes of his ears, sat shaggily on his head. And a pair of glasses, that were too small for his face, bent awkwardly on his nose — not seeming to help in any way.

Petunia scrunched her nose in disgust.

But she still was nice.

"Vernon," Her quiet voice seemed almost silent as she begrudgingly offered a hand. And to her horror, instead of the boy shaking it, his thin lips greasily made contact — almost making her pull away.

She held back her comment.

Isabel watched the encounter happily.

Lily felt like she might gag.

     And Petunia distastefully took her hand back, much to Vernon's dismay, and like always, kept her sleeves tucked into her fists — not wanting to expose her arm to him like before.

He eye'd her up and down.

     "You've... grown," Were the two words that she could make out, and as she gave him a look — he simply ignored it, continuing his words, "Everywhere."

It went silent.

      Petunia awkwardly crossed her arms over her chest, pretending not to notice his lingering eyes — Trying her hardest to find a response to his comment.

Which she did, rather quickly.

     "You've grown too," She responded, a scornful smile on her face. Though, it fell when a disgusting grin followed her words, misleading her sentence. Petunia felt like vomiting. "Not what I meant."

He suddenly didn't look too happy.

Lily held back her laugh.

    And Petunia gave him a short nod, leaving the conversation before he could respond once more — she was satisfied with how that went.

but then he followed her.

     Hot on her trail, almost tripping over her feet, Vernon was basically on her lap as she sat down — staring away from him, quite bothered.

      "You don't have to play this little game," His voice hissed in her ear. And Petunia's eyes snapped in his direction.

She almost looked offended.

      "I don't play games," She simply responded, scooting as much as she could away from him, "Games are for children."

      "And you're what?" He deadpanned, "sixteen?" he answered himself, "Doesn't that make you a child."

Petunia daringly turned towards him.

     "And you're what?" She sarcastically matched his words, "eighteen?" again, she repeated, "Doesn't that make you an adult?"

He stared at her.

She looked away.

But she continued to speak.

     "You still do act like a child," Petunia added on, "I've been gone since what? Basically February?" She thought out, "It's June — find someone new to obsess over," She paused momentarily, "Or better yet, don't — save the poor girl some trauma."

He was quiet for a moment.

      And Petunia thought he was letting the words sink in — helping him come into a realization over his gross behavior.

She was entirely wrong on.

     Because just after a few minutes of silence, Vernon's expressionless face went red, and his anger was directed towards the blonde in front of him.

He suddenly gripped her arm.

    His nails, which were much needed to be cut, dug through her sweater, straight into the scar on her arm — and Petunia winced, which didn't go unnoticed by the boy.

   Vernon's teeth were clenched, his brows furrowed together — he brought his lips dangerously close to her ear, making her coward under him.

He drawled out a low whisper.

    "Never fucking talk to me like that again," he went closer. Petunia could feel his lips now touch her ear, "I'm capable of a lot more than you think."

Petunia didn't doubt it.

And he placed a harsh kiss on her jaw.

not a rant but kind of a rant?
also, low key, life advice

that tiktok trend where people are posting what holidays were like in the early 2000's >>>

20 year old me is MISSING THAT.

now i work and go to school full time + paying rent(,:

growing up his hard — we all know that.

But to everyone who is still young, don't stress!

Don't feel forced to go to college if you aren't ready, don't feel forced to pick a major and stick with it.

I started college the summer high school finished for me and after a year, I transferred. totally new school, totally new major.

don't feel the need to follow the norms!

— also — for the people starting to work, OPEN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT — it will totally be worth it, I promise...


and literally, if you have any questions, i will do my absolute best to answer them to the best of my knowledge <3

rant over — sorry :,)


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