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i swear on my life this is the last sad chapter for a minute...

the first attack

THOUGH THE NIGHT WAS YOUNG, darkness still ventured in each and every corner of a small town in Scotland. And as it was a rainy night, most families had decided to spend the night in, inside the comfort and safety of their personal homes.

Some were listening to the radio, swaying to the music as they cooked tonight's dinner. Others, who had already ate, were sitting at their dining table, chatting amongst each other, enjoying the night.

One family, in particular, was peaking over their newly bought crib, smiling down at their baby, who had finally been welcomed into their home.

they were so happy.

The walls freshly painted, clothes that would only fit for a few weeks shoved into the closet, stuffed animals scattered in any open space their was, the two newly weds spent most of their money making this room.

all for her.

Honey eyes, speckles of bright blonde hair. The baby, who was just a few weeks old, smiled happily at her parents — finding this new world to be more than interesting.

Their voices, which were the only familiar thing to her, caused her cheeks to grow rosy — and as her eyes brightened at the sight of them — the parents couldn't feel a heavier love for their daughter.

Her name was Melissa Silverstone.

Amanda Silverstone, the mother, was talking to her newborn lovingly — gliding her finger softly against her chubby cheek, never having felt anything softer. And Wendell Silverstone, the father, stood against the doorway of the room — smiling for two reasons.

One, his family.

Secondly, successfully escaping his troubled past — leading him to have this wonderful life.

Because underneath Wendell Silverstone's wool jumper and positive facade, laid the infamous symbol.

The Dark Mark.

Burning slightly, swiveling against his skin, the hidden symbol had been covered by etched scars — as Wendell had unsuccessfully tried to cut it off of him.

No matter how hard he tried, no matter what he did, the symbol never changed, never stopped hurting — it remained against his arm, a constant reminder of his previous choices.

choices he regret.

Wendell escaped the hands of the Dark Lord when he was twenty two years old. He laid low, letting himself become consistently homeless for three years. He thought that was enough time.

They'd stop looking for him eventually.

Wouldn't they?

he thought so.

Because after three years of waiting, Wendell left the shadows, instead heading into a small hardware store — a help needed sign decorated on the door.

He gave them the help, he worked for it.

And in that time he worked for it, Wendell had met his future wife, the daughter of his boss, Amanda Murray. Her dark brown hair, honey eyes — Wendell thought she was the prettiest girl he had ever seen. And when she spoke, introducing herself for the first time, Wendell thought she had the prettiest voice he'd ever heard.

He asked her on a date that very day.

And a year later - they had gotten married.

And soon enough, they had Melissa.

he was so happy.

he was so free.

until that night.

The house was quiet, despite the fits of giggles between his wife and daughter. His scar was slightly burning, like it had been doing much lately, but he didn't think much of it — Wendell knew there was no way they'd find him.

it had been years.

But Voldemort hates traitors.

Wendell should've known that.

Their house was small, not having much land as they lived in town. And their neighbors were still awake, as they were all still enjoying their night.

it was all normal.

until it wasn't.

Everyone had been too distracted to hear the reoccurring sound of snaps echoing right outside their homes. Everyone was too distracted to see the cloaked individuals surrounding a particular house, their wands pointed at it in each direction.

No one knew what was coming.

Deep down, Wendell did.

but he was in denial.

No one saw anything, in that moment. They were only focused on themselves, on their family. They hadn't heard anything, the unfamiliar sounds being drowned out by the everyday noises.

It was only once a bright purple light, followed by a loud explosion, had happened.


the silverstone house had been hit.

and days later, they weren't the only victims.

marvel fans : stay off twitter — shit's been leaked lol   (but i liked the spoilers ngl ✋🏼)

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