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mind manipulation


Her eyes dilated, hands shaky, and the feeling of light headedness filled her — and as her head rested against James' shoulder, she felt like she could fall asleep.

But, then again, she couldn't.

because he was there.

     The shadow of his presence, lingering near the corner of a building, Petunia could feel his eyes burning into her head — judging everything she did.

she stared back, almost daringly.

her scar burned.

      The familiar sense of tingling invaded her mind, and as she thought back to Dumbledore, she tried to fight against it — not wanting him to see any more.

She, too, did not want to see anything else.

it pained her.

So, with her brows furrowed in concentration, her eyes threateningly watching him — Petunia ignored the throbbing headache that was slowly starting to form, pushing him away.

she tried so hard.

but even then, he still saw flashes.

The darkness of her dilated eyes soon took over the presence of blue — causing the girl to see nothing by black in her sight. And as her scar slowly felt itself being ripped apart, oozing out a red liquid, Petunia saw the first flash.

And then the rest.

a book.

a ring.

a locket.

a cup.

a diadem.

and a snake.

The pictures flashed once, and then again, almost in a repeating like pattern. And she stared at each and every one, not understanding the significance of most of the objects.

But she did recognize one.

the snake.

The snake, that had appeared in so many of her visions. Petunia never learned of its name, never hearing it be addressed. But she always had seen it, even if it was in the background. The blonde knew it had always been by Voldemort's side — she'd seen him talking to it.

But the significance?

She didn't know.

P.EVANS + J.POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now