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the final vision

vision - 7

       THE SLAM OF A DOOR WAS the first thing Petunia heard as she entered her last vision. And she soon learned it was from a front door that closed behind her, echoing throughout the quiet home.

       The person she was seeing through fumbled with a few things in their hand, eventually tossing them on a side table. And that was when she noticed the sunflowers placed in their other hand, blooming as if they just got picked.

      The person took a few steps away from the door and headed to what seemed to be the living room. However, as they couldn't find what they were looking for, they checked the next room.

        "Tuna!" James' voice called out, causing another repeated echo to occur in response. Petunia, herself, waited to hear her voice, to see her appear. James was too. But both were disappointed.

          Petunia was forced into a walk once again as James paced back through the house, ultimately making his way up the stairs. He called her name again, still hopeful for a response. But much like before, Petunia didn't answer. Harry did instead.

         His cries were loud, almost sad as James' voice had woke him up. And James was rather quick to follow the direction of the noise, his steps slightly faster than what they were before.

       He passed one room, then the other. His steps, just like a few seconds ago, were becoming more and more prominent.

     Petunia felt as he placed his hand on the door handle. She felt as he pushed it open, revealing Harry's room. And she watched as James took in the sight. The sight. A sight that made her own breath hitch in her throat.



A new sight occurred.

          She was still seeing through James, she knew that for a fact. He was holding Harry now and he was outside, his steps were more-so caught trips as he made his way through a rocky path.

         There was a house in front of him. Nothing big nor extravagant in any manner. But it was homey, comfortable in a way.

       Petunia felt as James practically ran to it, his breaths being tangled with cries as he readjusted Harry in his arms. And when he reached the door, which happened fairly quick, his free hand had formed into a fist, slamming it into the dark blue door.

        "Remus!" Petunia heard him scream, again, letting out a cry as if he was in pain. "Sirius!"

       The knocks on the door continued, getting harsher as each second passed. And eventually, Remus had opened the door, immediately feeling as the full weight of James and Harry fell into him — his cries only growing.

          Petunia couldn't hear what he was saying, what Remus was saying nor Sirius, who was now entering the room. She could barely see anything through James' tears as he tried to speak — tried to explain what he saw.

         She only felt numb, which she assumed was what James felt in the moment. But she couldn't help but feel how strong it was. Like it was holding her, squeezing her, making her look at what the future entails. How nearly everyone dies. How horocrux hunting failed. How Pandora was the traitor this whole time.

It was all numb to her.

       James pushed up his glasses, wiping his eyes with the sleeve of his shirt. It didn't help much to clear the vision for her, but she could still see more than before. The tear stricken face of Sirius. The look of hurt on Remus. The sleeping Harry, who was too young to understand.

And the ring.

his ring.

the one that matched her very own.

The ring that no longer held it's stone.

i'll edit these last two chapters when i have time, i promise :///

P.EVANS + J.POTTEROù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant