author's note.

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hi everyone! crazy we got to this point, huh?

honestly, truly, genuinely — i never thought this would happen, that i would get so far in a book and actually finish it. i never thought you'd read it or enjoy it. i thought that you'd think that the idea of the book would be too weird to enjoy.

but here we are.

i originally got this idea after watching the first harry potter movie (literally like the first 20 minutes) for the first time ever. the only thing i put in my head was making a petunia story. but different. not this side we usually see to her. but something different. a side we might not think of.

lets talk about the original plot.

the book was always p.evans+j.potter. however, the love interest was up in the air for two people while i was making notes for this book. remus lupin. james potter. that was the whole point of the mood rings before i ultimately decided.

petunia was never supposed to have powers. i was totally against the idea. i wanted her to be a muggle, i thought giving her powers would mess up her feelings about wizards and witches. though — after i realized i didn't like how many chapters would go by without a james and petunia reunion, i decided to switch it. it was literally a last minute decision to make her a seer. (this book was originally 47 chapters).

i had a few deaths planned for this book, i kept switching them and crossing them out. petunia was going to die in the original plot. but after i realized how much i hate endings like that (and how much i fell in love with her character) i couldn't do it. Lily was also going to die. But Lily was also the original traitor before i deemed it too obvious. There was a point Remus and Sirius were both going to die as well. but they would've died together. hand in hand. James was never going to die, Dorcas wasn't going too, nor was Peter.

Regulus isn't dead.

The reason Voldemort is still alive at the end of this book is because Regulus had failed to get the horocrux. but he had escaped (though, no one realized). in actuality, if there was ever a second book to this (but carrying onto florence and harry's life at hogwarts) i would actually make a surprise in the book where Regulus Black becomes the DADA teacher for a year. crazy, right?

harry is not the chosen one in this story.

voldemort never came to kill him. it was amber who came. and her only mission was to 'kill' petunia — which didn't even happen either. (also if you guys hadn't realized, amber was cursed during it — she wasn't herself)

i left this book to end where you would still have questions. i did that on purpose. not everything has to be explained — i like to see theories that you all come up with. that's why the original ending (before the epilogue) ended like that. i wanted it to be in the perspective that if you guys decided to reread the story, you could think of it as if Petunia was reliving her life through her vision that she had at the last chapter (if that makes any sense).

i'm sorry if you are not satisfied, honest. but i do like how this ended. happy, but leading off into their next chapter.

who knows what would be next?


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