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aww we are getting so close to ACT 9.5 and then 10, i'm so sad honestly. i love you.

uncanny resemblance

PETUNIA COULD HARDLY BREATH as she laid on the hard wood floor, back into the safety of the guest room. Although it was only a few seconds, the youngest Evans felt as if she was stuck in her vision for hours — seeing the sight of her supposed son, Harry Potter, laying in her arms.

She couldn't deny that the sight made her heart swell. Seeing herself happy with James by her side, now knowing that they were, in fact, in it for the long run. Petunia never thought she'd able to have a family. Being locked away in her room, being quarantined by the outside world and people. How could she think she'd meet someone?

But then she did. She met a boy who was in love with her sister. She met a group of people, who although were very different from her, acted as if they were all the same — which meant so much to her.

And it always will.

But these happy thoughts can't stay.

      Because the only reason she saw this vision was because of one person. The only reason she'd gotten closer to these magical individuals, was because of him. Her life had changed in many ways in just a few years — there was no denying it. And she couldn't pretend that things still weren't different — that things still weren't changing.

all because of him.

       Her parents killer is still out there, if Amber was truly telling the truth. And if Petunia knew any better, she knew that the person from her visions had to be the true result to what happened that night. The traitor. The main focus in most of her visions. She had seen parts of them, heard the smallest portion of their voice.

But there were more factors.

        Lucius, who had been mentioned to her recently. A girl, whose name was not revealed to her. Amber had been with both of them — and apparently been bad news, from what Oliver and Henry had said. They mentioned Amber changed. Her mood would go darker, she'd become more distant, rude. Petunia didn't know what to think of it. And after having such a draining vision, the girl was already exhausted in her spot.

       She was struggling to stand, to move any limb she had. Petunia knew each vision was hitting her harder than the last. Did she know why? No idea. Petunia still wasn't overly educated on what she is and what she can do. Instead, she opted to two possibilities. One, Voldemort is just digging deeper into her mind, trying to find what he needs and making her see it as clear as she can. Two, Dumbledore was spot on when saying the side effects of a dark magic spell. Death. She could be dying.

She felt like she was dying right now.

        Because although he was gone, the eery presence no longer wafting the room — she still winced at the lingering headache. And her scar, that seems to grow each time its opened, was oozing blood and puss as the infection spread — already scabbing black and brown over the deepest layers. Her body was tense, frozen into an uncomfortable position as heavy drops of tears escape her dry eyes, molding the cracks of the floor.

She didn't miss this.

And James didn't miss seeing her like this.

       He couldn't open the door all of the way, since her body blocked part of the opening. And all he could do was peak inside, merely seeing her bloody arm and hand resting against the floor.

      Sirius was behind him, also being confused by the girl's absence from breakfast. And because of his extra few inches in height, the boy was also able to see the bloody sight — causing him to force open the door further, squeezing through the still small crack.

         Though, as the sight of her became the key focus, Sirius stopped in his tracks — lightly being pushed to the side as James barreled through next, rushing to her side.

      The raven haired boy did want to comfort Petunia, to ask her what had happened and if she was okay. But this was the worst he's ever seen her. And the sight of her only brought back memories. He could see himself in her. She looked just like he did a few years ago, before he escaped his abusive family.

It still felt like yesterday.

      Crucio being repeated as if it was a chant. The graphic sight of both him and his brother falling to the floor, gripping the others hand out of comfort. Sirius could see their reflections in a large, crystal vase. The terrified look of Regulus as blood stained his hairline — the pained look of his own, feeling the oozing burn of the curse fill his body. Petunia looked like a mix between the two Black brothers — looking as if her life could end just there.

      Both James and Sirius knew he had visited her again, attacking her when she was alone. He apparently liked to do that — which James thought was a coward move. And Sirius, himself, found a new protective layer filling inside — still seeing flashes of him and his brother.

he wished he had his wand right then.

Because if he couldn't protect Reggie,
        he swore he would protect Petunia.


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