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vision - 5

       PETUNIA WAS FORCED INTO A seat for her next vision. And for this one, as she looked around, she had felt a sort of remembrance for the area.

      A long table in a dimly lit room, people with masks covering their faces — hiding their true identity.

      The person Petunia was seeing through had tucked their hair behind their ears — quietly tapping their foot in anticipating.

      It was quiet, in an uncomfortable way. And everyone surrounding her was sat up straight, keeping their hands by their sides as they waited.

      The person Petunia was seeing through had felt completely normal — even considerably proud of themselves in that moment. And as the roaming steps behind her had gotten louder, meaning someone had entered the room — she felt as a small smile was forced upon her face, ignoring the slivering sound of the snake who had just passed her.

"The traitor was successful," The familiar voice of Voldemort had countered, not briefing a glance in her direction. "We have their location," He almost smiled — and Petunia, herself, wanted to scoff in response — but as she wasn't in control, she couldn't.

Voldemort had passed each person slowly, threateningly, as they likely tensed by his grounding presence. He did not speak again for a timely manner, only assessing the people he was with, studying them through their movements as he could not see their faces.

When his eyes had locked onto her own, or at least, who ever she was seeing through — he did not falter his movement, nor did the person.

It was absolute silence.

"You've done a great deal for us," He hissed in her direction, finally taking a seat at the opposite end of the table. It was far away, yes, though, even with his voice being so-severely-quiet — it had boomed throughout the room because of the silence. "But you are not finished, no." He had graced his wand against his face, slicing it down his cheek, "Too many lives are still living — another has been created, a dangerous one," his tone almost seemed angry, "a boy".

The words faded into a quiet breath as the person had forced Petunia to sit straighter in her chair. They did not remove the eye contact being held, but Petunia could now feel a slight discomfort at the continuous action. Though, it stayed.

"Death has been a permanent accepted-cycle for Petunia Potter," He spoke her name in disdain, "And it seems as that time has... and will finally come.. for her — the boy — James Potter."

Petunia could only sit in listen.

"As you are not suspected as any sort of.." Voldemort whisped his wand in the air, looking for the proper word, "Fraud." He finally said, "It is your task to finish everything, Miss Lestrange."

brief silence.

And after a moment, Petunia felt a reluctance in her voice as it forced out, "I will not disappoint," before standing from her seat. It was Pandora's voice — which, didn't necessarily surprise Petunia at this point, knowing everything had been clicking together since her first vision.

The drugged potion — the attacks and killings of people close to her. Petunia knew, at this point, it was all Pandora. Though, despite all of the filling pieces — questions had still been unanswered.

       James was still alive, as it was just stated. And, much to her dismay, Voldemort was also still alive — meaning something hadn't gone as planned (as Petunia assumed this took place after the supposed horcrux hunting.)

her questions.

        Why had Marlene been attacked, her family also being victims? Did she know something — did she have her suspicions?

          Where have Remus and Sirius been throughout her visions? Not once had they appeared, nor has Peter. Are they alive and well — are they being tortured and Petunia will soon have to express another traumatic sight?

What happened to Regulus?

          Petunia was forced into step as Pandora had left the room quietly, leaving the rest, including Voldemort, at the table. There was a sense of mock-confidence lacing her skin, that even Petunia could tell was fake, maybe even rehearsed, as she left the place entirely.

        Her wand had been gripped into her hand quite harshly, causing Petunia to even hiss out a pained breath as she felt the digging of nails in Pandora's palm. However, Pandora hadn't seemed to mind it as she continued away — not looking back at the place she'd left.

        Her mind was fuzzy, branches of thoughts scouring every inch as she thought about her next moves. Petunia had tried to see/feel/think of everything Pandora had thought out — though, to her avail, her actions only caused a harsh headache to reach her temples.

and the headache would grow.

her sight would become fuzzy.

and again, like many times before,

she was forced into her next vision.


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