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there may only be one chapter out today — will have to see how much time i have!! <3

suspicions and theories

     REMUS LUPIN, SINCE THE BEGINNING of January, has not only been distracted but also worried. His ring, that would continuously flash between the colors of pain... and then just black, was ongoing — especially at night, when it was time to sleep.

     And, as the days carried on, black would become the most prominent on his ring — though, he still doesn't know why.

     Searching the library, using his wand to try unusual spells on the stone, Remus continued to try and get to the bottom of this — but as he was growing hopeless, he took the ring off, inspecting it more and more.

      And that's when he saw the inscription, in small, cursive handwriting.

htaed si etaf eht ,live yb emocrevo

Like Petunia, his brows furrowed as he studied the words, sounding out each and every syllable. However, he was growing annoyed, not even getting passed the first word.

Though, as James entered the shared dorm, quietly sneaking behind the focused boy — Remus jumped, hearing James's voice.

"Overcome by evil..." He started, cocking his head, "the fate is death?" He finished, giving Remus a baffled look, "What kind of shit are you buying?"

James didn't get an answer.

Instead, Remus kept still in his seat, his fingers nervously tapping on the desk in front of him. His thoughts were running wild — and he felt panicked by the tangled confusion.

Then he finally spoke.

"What did you just say?"

"I said.." James trailed off, "What kind of shit—"

Remus cut him off.

     "No, no," He spoke loudly, keeping his eyes on the ring, "What did you say the ring said?"

    James mouth formed an 'o' and he bent over Remus's shoulder, grabbing the small ring from his hands — pointing at the inscription.

Back to front.

      "Overcome by evil," His finger trailed against the engraved writing, "the fate is death," He read simply.

     And despite Remus reading it himself, he shook his head, avoiding James's curious gaze. "No, that can't be it.." His voice wavered, "Maybe the letters are switched? Maybe they..."

     "No, mate?" James stated, "It is as simple as that, 'Overcome by evil—"

      "I get it," Remus stressed, finally meeting James eyes. And as he let his words move quicker than his mind, he continued, "I think this ring is in connection with..." He stopped, staring at the boy in front of him.

Remus knew that Petunia was important to him, despite their short meeting. And the fact that he wasn't even one hundred percent sure, he knew that worrying James would just be a bad idea. "Is in connection with," He repeated, "someone else."

      Remus's serious expression was soon met with James's humored one, "Moony, you haven't been sleeping right for weeks," He pat his shoulder, "You're overthinking, it's just a bloody ring! No harm in it."

Remus didn't believe his words at all.

But he still nodded.

      And because of that, James stood up, smiling — now glancing at the window. The moon was still far from full.

      "Do me a favor?" he asked casually, eyeing his friend, "Get some sleep, right now."

       Remus rolled his eyes, letting sarcasm invade his tone, "Okay, mummy James."

James smiled, sending a wink.

"Damn right"

     And as James went to lay in his own bed, making sure Remus followed suit in his personal cot, the boy took off his glasses — immediately laying his head on the pillow, mumbling a short goodnight.

     Remus returned it, keeping his head on his pillow. And as the room's darkness took over, the only light being from the moon from afar — he stayed awake, waiting for the familiar sounds of snores to fill the room.

Which happened just twenty minutes later.

     And when the boy was sure that everyone was asleep, he quietly stood from his bed, placing the golden band around his finger. Then, being careful with each of his steps, he left the room — leaving the Gryffindor common room entirely.

     And as he stood the abandoned halls, Remus snuck out a large piece of parchment, immediately pointing out his wand, mumbling,

"I solemnly swear I'm up to no good."


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