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one for the books

     ON THE NIGHT OF JANUARY 29TH, Petunia Evans hummed to herself as she put icing on a batch of cupcakes, just for her birthday. Her parents were gone, out for the evening with their friends — and Petunia honestly didn't mind it, she preferred being alone.

An already written letter, just for Lily, was sitting on the counter near her. And every time she looked at it, a feeling of anxiousness would flow throughout her body — Especially over the fact she hadn't written to Lily in years.

   And with her mind being exhausted, due to her lack of sleep each night, Petunia couldn't even remember what she'd written in the letter.

she only hoped it was enough.

And she couldn't help but wonder — Would Lily wish her a happy birthday too? Would she write her back?

again, she hoped.

But not wanting to get her hopes up, she pushed away the thought.

Instead, Petunia headed to her kitchen drawer, eyeing the candles that were buried under a few random trinkets. And as she pulled a single one out, a small smile formed on her face, immediately heading back to the cupcakes.

Though, as she had nothing to light it with, she only used her imagination (like every other year). And as she stared down at the clock, Petunia silently counted down to herself.





The clock hit twelve, and Petunia closed her eyes, blowing onto the unlit candle — quietly whispering, "happy sixteenth birthday, petunia."

She went to take a bite.

She was stopped.

Because, before she could, two loud thumps hit her window — almost making the blonde drop her cupcake.

And because of the noise, she looked up — leading her eyes to immediately grow at the sight of two owls, who seemingly tried to get her attention while also being the first one to reach her.

Her smile widened.

    "Hello, friends!" She greeted brightly, rushing to her front door. And as she opened it, the two flew in quickly, shaking off the water from the rain.

And almost expectantly, they held out their legs, waiting for her to take the letters — which she did, with much excitement.

A handful of letters, some bigger than others, were all held by the girl — and she almost felt bad for the two owls, who had to carry everything.

Though, as they watched her intently, almost nodding at her to open the envelopes — she continued, opening the first one she saw.

Petunia's heart was warm.

An over amount of gifts were soon puddled around her, and she felt an overwhelming sensation of not only acceptance, but love.

Her cheeks were sore from smiling so much, as they weren't use to such a gesture — and as she grabbed the two final letters, ultimately deciding on one — her smile couldn't help but grow.

She recognized the handwriting.

Dear Tuna,

It's me again — your favorite person. I know it's been a week since our last letter, and although I felt bad for not responding, I wanted my birthday letter to feel extra special.

So, speaking of your birthday... how is it?

Are you having fun? We will have to celebrate once summer hits. Maybe another night on the roof?

That would be nice.

Petunia silently agreed, continuing to read her letter.

It has been exactly a month since I've seen you last. Though, it feels a lot longer, doesn't it? Luckily, I can still annoy you with my letters... or perhaps another way?

She furrowed her brows at that, rereading the line again — not understanding.

Check the gift, love.

Your Jamesies

And despite the fact that he signed each and every one of his letters like that, she still couldn't help the wave of butterflies that filled her stomach.

And like he asked, she opened the gift.

Her heart skipped a beat.

Inside the small, skinny box, Petunia's eyes wandered over the replica of a wand, which held small, decorative vines around the bottom.

And if she looked closer, squinting her eyes in the process, the small design of spiderwebs — much similar to James', could be seen.

She loved it.

Though, as she further inspected the item, she was still confused over his words.

"Luckily, I can still annoy you with my letters... or perhaps another way?"

But as the sentence lingered in her mind, making her think hard — Petunia felt her heart leap as the sound of James's voice leaked through — straight from the bottom of her wand.

"I swear to Merlin, Sirius — if this bloody charm didn't work, I'll stick my wand-"


tell me your opinions on this chapter.. was the writing weird, rushed, dumb? I don't  know how to feel.  honest, even if brutal, is okay<3
(i want y'all to love this book as much as you can)

P.EVANS + J.POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now