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september 3rd, 1990

< e p i l o g u e >
because... i love you<3

      THE RISING SUN BARELY GRAZED the outline of fields that cascaded past the Potter home. It was early in the morning, crickets still singing their tunes as the day was just starting — and James Potter was standing by a stove, cracking another egg against a heated pan.

      The smell of bacon wafted throughout the home, trying to find its way to the individuals that were still present inside. And music played softly, barely escaping the kitchen as James hummed the tune of it.

     A window was open, letting in the morning dew welcomingly. And a cool breeze had even escaped — the September air breaking through as August had finally come to an end.

A small wooden table, just in the back yard, had been properly set for breakfast. And there was a tree that covered it — which had pink blossoms that snuck between a few of the green leaves. Though, their hold was weak, especially as the wind would occasionally knock them away, causing them to fall in the surrounding grass.

     There was a small, swinging chair that hung from one of the thicker limbs of the tree — which also held a pillow, that was slightly smashed in the corner.

     And currently, someone was sat in it. A small someone, to be exact. Her small frame barely fit in the chair, leading for her feet to slightly hang off the edge of the woven furniture. There was a book in her lap, opened to one of the very first chapters. She couldn't read yet. She knew that. But that didn't stop her from trying, whilst also enjoying the pictures that occupied it.

And it also wasn't like she didn't have help.

Because Harry was behind her, letting his finger linger on the continuous lines of the book. He was reading to her — stopping every few words to let her try. She did stutter. But Harry didn't show any ounce of annoyance at the fact. He would simply repeat the word back to her — letting her try again. And again. As many tries as she needed.

There was a current word they were stuck on, one that she was beginning to get frustrated with. Harry could tell — she did make it obvious. From the way she tucked in her blonde hair to the way she bit back her lip, cocking her head right after. Harry said the word again, slower, trying to get her to understand.

"Cater-pillar," He spoke lightly, letting his finger move across the word as he said it. "Cat-er-pill-ar."

The small girl briefed a look to Harry, before focusing on his hand. And once he repeated it again, she sighed, seemingly concentrating on it as she opened her mouth. "Cat-pillar," Her small, soft voice broke out — being so quiet that even the music inside almost drowned her out. But Harry had heard her. And despite her not being exactly right, the boy merely matched her growing smile, saying 'good job' in response.

And then they continued.

Inside, just up the stairs, Petunia Potter was only now waking up — her tired eyes blinking away her yawn-caused tears as she stretched out her arms.

        With much effort, the girl forced herself out of bed, ignoring the familiar pain in her lower back as she wobbly stood to her feet — immediately taking a glimpse at the outside.

     At this point, the sun had surpassed the horizon, causing it's rays to grow harsher as it rose higher into the morning sky. And Petunia squinted in reaction, using her hand to block away the light.

     The smell of food had made its way into her room minutes ago — being the first thing she noticed once she woke up. Though, she didn't exactly enjoy the smell like she typically would. It actually made her slightly nauseous, making her stomach grumble at the thought of it.

Being pregnant had its disadvantages.

Petunia took another step away from her bed, which was a step further away from the food being made. And she found her way to the glass door that was a few feet away from her — leading her out into the small balcony.

The air was chilly, causing her to wrap her arms around her body. But Petunia didn't seem to mind it as she stayed outside. Especially with the sight before her.

Because as Petunia leaned against the railing, letting her eyes glance between the open fields and her back yard — the blonde watched her family. Her family. The family that was now quietly laughing in the back yard. Her back yard. Harry, her son, sneaking a few pieces of bacon to Hedwig when James was pretending not to notice. Florence, her daughter, beaming at the sight of James causing a pink sparkle to innocently shoot from his wand. James. James.

        The reason for her remembering, the reason that she fought. She watched him from the balcony — not hiding her smile as she thought back to everything, everyone, every memory she now remembered.

The world was brighter to her, glimpses of hope feeding against the grassy field that surrounded the home. She no longer held on to her anger, her sadness, her unforgivingness to everyone and everything who had hurt her in the past. Because all of that was holding her back from growing, thriving into the person she was slowly becoming. Everyday she was learning more about herself. What she liked. What she disliked. Her hobbies. Her passions.

She was no longer going to take advantage of the time she had. Because who actually knows how much time you have. You could have a year left, a week, maybe even an hour. Petunia had seen what it was like to be dead. To live through death. To not remember who she was, what she was living for.

She has so much to live for now.

She knows that, she sees that, she understands. It's like she had started to find the meaning of life after each obstacle she had been faced with. What is the meaning of life? Honestly. The answer varies. Because the meaning of life is not a single answer. Petunia figured that out. But it is an answer that is special to each person. What they want. What they need. Who they need to be there. That's the meaning of life.

Petunia knew her meaning of life.

And despite knowing that more obstacles would have to be faced eventually — since Voldemort is still out there, hiding behind the shadows, waiting for his time to come. She wasn't scared anymore. She won't be scared anymore. Because she has her family. And she has her friends. She is no longer alone in this world that kept her isolated for so long — too long.

She was no longer alone.

She will no longer be alone.

Because she had them,
her family.

I. Love. You.

the end


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