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i'm home<3

another letter another day

SUNSET WAS STARTING TO ROAM right outside of James' house. Petunia was still tangled into his arms, in the fully made bed, sleeping soundlessly. And James was holding her tighter, his hand subconsciously tracing the scar that started from the bottom of her arm up to her shoulder.

It was healed now, not being open for a short while. Petunia still hadn't had any visions and because of that, there was no reason for the familiar ooze to fill the magicked wound. Though, even so, the boy couldn't help but notice the smallest crinkle in her nose as his thumb would graze a certain area — which would cause him to flinch, scared he had hurt her.

The letter from Amber was still unread, tightly grasped in her hand. And even he couldn't help but eye the small piece of parchment, almost wanting to snatch it from her and chuck it out the window — thinking it was just another problem added to her worries. James didn't understand what would be written in that letter. Was it to mock her about her parents? Was she trying to apologize — pretend it was an accident? Did the letter even correlate to Petunia's parents — or did Amber admit something wildly different.

He didn't know.

But despite his questioning mind, he didn't let them get to him. Not yet at least. Because Petunia, at this moment, was fast asleep in his arms — safe from the world.

He'd protect her with his life.

      When he looked at her, he felt a way he never felt before. His heart would grow heavy, his stomach would tighten, his mind would swirl into fuzziness. He would only focus on her, her features, the significant amount of details that covered her face and body. There were no flaws to him. Because it was Petunia. His Petunia. And he loved every part of her. Every part.

"i'm going to marry you one day."

      The words were more so his mouth moving without a sound. James knew she was asleep — but even so he was scared to say it out loud. He wasn't ready to tell her that. But even with more thinking, he hadn't even asked her to be his girlfriend yet. To this point, however, did he really need too? Or was it considered to be a silent agreement. That they were together. That nothing would get in between them.

She slightly moved.

He froze.

She fell back into her steady breaths.

      James bit back his own soft breaths, scared that the smallest sound would wake her up. But, unbeknownst to him, he wouldn't be the reason for her eyes to open in just a moment. But instead, another letter.

      No owl in sight, no knock against her bedroom window — just a letter, swinging back and forth in the open air, grazing her arm with its sharp edges.

Her eyes snapped open.

       And much to his surprise, she shot up from the comfort of his arms, immediately grabbing the second letter.

'To Petunia'

It had the same handwriting as the other.

      "Amber wrote to me again," She whispered, barely being heard by the boy, "She made a second letter."

He sat up next to her.

       And almost as if he didn't believe her, James took the letters from her grip, bringing them close to the bridge of his nose as he squinted — trying to detect the smallest difference.

But he couldn't find one.

"Should you read it?"

They looked at each other.

       And Petunia almost shook her head, before glancing at the letters in his hand. She couldn't deny that she was curious. Petunia even felt like the letter had eyes, staring right back at her. But she didn't know if there was any danger behind the envelope. Did she want to see the words given to her? Did she really want to know what Amber had said? Did Amber deserve to have her words be read?


But she grabbed the first one anyways.

      It was more crumbled than the second one, an imprint of her thumb slightly bending the envelope as she held it throughout the day. There was no wax on it — nothing there to keep it from being opened by any outsider. It was simply just tucked in from the bottom — letting Petunia open it easily.

She stared at the parchment.

      Word after word, sentence after sentence. She thought that the words were scribbled in poor handwriting, that Amber had been in a rush to write whatever she was trying to write. But as Petunia scanned it again and again, James doing the same right behind her — the two couldn't help but notice the same thing.

It wasn't real words.


bakahyowg oauwh oiushbwu iwhwvou pncgwi, puynqo igvwoau yfqbiud. oaubfu Igsut oaub diogwouwh isuwhwo. jahaohge osuwhbqo iaiahvdi Tiwgajaiywvdei.

Wjiaygwouhewon, thjsuabq ak owuhwhw. oaybakisnoaubendo oaywbwour owihrb, iwyheb woyabd Aiyqbakyhw so. oauwhihw isynwobe isyhwkous isyanwo, aooyrn, wiuabeo. iaybdiuge oaybd aygdS kaiyeh. iaybdoie Nhai ouwhwhdn hahaTiqyvq.

hwyahahab ouqheou aounxva iywhsn dkai Mhqoheushe isuaibe. iauhrounr iajayhwbr. kaiyehrouw isnwhoab siuwhwjd hahshEjauua.


read the letter carefully lovies<3


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