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spent HOURS looking for a new popsocket just to get a plain one :,)

platonic friends>>>

THE SEASONS FLEW BY AT Hogwarts, taking the students by surprise as they rushed through their homework, exams, and DADA practices. Since the recent attacks, and multiple people being killed, Quidditch was put on hold for everyone — the time instead being used to practice their offensive and defensive spells.

Rumors have continued to arise, saying that the age limit may soon go lower for a small amount of time, thinking if it stayed at 17, it may discourage students from protecting themselves. But as nothing had yet to be confirmed, it stayed as such. Just a conspiracy.

Petunia continued on with her own studies, along with trying to maintain the control of her visions. She hadn't had any recently, not that she was complaining — but was still figuring it to be the best option to be able to block and open her mind when needed.

she was currently unsuccessful.

Remus had tried to help her the best he could. As she would close her eyes, letting her forehead crease in concentration — the boy would keep his focus on his ring, seeing if even a flicker of color would appear, indicating that her state of mind was leaving its normal barriers.

nothing so far.

She had yet to mention the detail of knowing his secret, scared that he would push himself away as if she'd judge him. Which she wouldn't. Though, another small factor was stopping her from revealing herself. Because lately, unbeknownst to her, Remus' mood (according to her ring) had remained dim, sad.

And when she'd ask about it, merely a mumble every time, he would try his best to laugh it off — which was more than unconvincing to the blonde.

she didn't want to push it.

      Petunia instead stayed rather quiet as she sat with him, her eyes peering out onto the snowy fields through the common room window. It was quiet that day, as mostly everyone was gone, training with each other. Remus had stayed behind for obvious reasons, although Petunia wasn't supposed to know what these 'obvious reasons' were.

     She could tell he was weaker, that his eyes were almost prying themselves open to stay awake. Tonight was another full moon, another day he would have to suffer.

     "I must say," She tried nonchalantly, keeping her focus away from him, "I make a pretty good pillow."

She felt his eyes bore into the side of her face.

        His brows furrowed, his hands immediately going to his eyes, thinking he could rub the redness out of them — Remus shook his head, his mouth forming a straight line.

     "I was up... late," He lied, though, Petunia could easily tell. "...Studying." His voice trailed a moment after, obviously taking a second to find a reasoning.

she gave him an unimpressed look.

he mimicked her.

      And almost as if he couldn't tell she knew he was lying, he continued — causing a sigh to escape her lips a second later.

      "I read all about seers, what they do and how they control... well everything," He spoke abruptly, barely detailing his lie, "All for you."

"And what did you find out?"

he stuttered in response.

She smiled at that.

"You should really work on that," She tisked, holding the smile on her face. "I'm very oblivious and I could even tell you were lying."

he bit back his lip.

"I... didn't."

"...tell the truth?"

"Shut up."

And at his words, she did — though, still moving in her place to see him better. He looked stressed, his emotions stacking on top of each other almost as if they were about to spill over. He wanted to tell her, he wanted to be honest. But he was scared. He was tired of losing people.

Petunia could tell his mind had wondered away, his eyes going out of focus as he looked at her. Her smile had faded as she watched him, her hand slowly landing on top of his own — giving a small squeeze of comfort.

"What's on your mind?"

    Remus shook his head at her question, still avoiding an answer. His breath had become hitched at even the idea saying it out loud, admitting what he was to her. But he needed to talk, to speak to someone about something he hadn't told anyone just yet.

he decided to confide in her.

"My mum's really sick."

Her eyes snapped up to his own.

     "She... she won't be here by summer," His voice grew low, "by graduation next year. She won't see me graduate, get a job.. home.. grow old with Si—"

It went quiet before he could finish his ramble.

      "She used to write to me a lot, used to tell me about her day," He frowned, his hand being warmed by her own, "But lately, her handwriting is becoming unrecognizable.. like little scribbles with no meaning," He glanced to the window. "I haven't gotten any letters in the past few days. I'm worried and scared that when I get home... i'll find her..."

he didn't finish his sentence.

but he didn't need too.

      Because Petunia understood what he meant, despite not wanting too. And as the small change of color flashed from her ring, she didn't shy away from pulling him into a hug, not even realizing her actions until after she'd done it.

she didn't regret it.

      Petunia held him tight, her hands clasping together as he hugged her back. She felt him tremble, she felt as her shoulder grew wet from his tears. Remus was crying. He was pouring his thoughts and feelings to her — trusting her with every word he said. He told her what he could and she listened as intently as she could, trying to grasp every detail included.

she was there for him.

like he was for her.

"thank you."


P.EVANS + J.POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now