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forgive me, school's kicking my ass and it literally started a week ago...

lestrange christmas

IN ALL HER DAYS, LILY EVANS had never seen a black Christmas tree. There were no decorations, no presents underneath. It was plain, not even a single twinkle of a light displayed. But even so, the tree was the only sense of a Christmas decoration that she could see in the large home.

it was very dark.

The ginger couldn't tell if it was snowing. She couldn't even tell how light it was outside. The windows were all shut away, almost daring the light to try and break through.

It was cold, in two different ways. The temperature, though not as cold as outside, was causing goosebumps to fill her arms. And the envrionment was cold. Like someone was always watching her. Like someone was always listening.

"You'll get used to it."

She flinched at the voice.

She thought she was the only one up.

And as she turned around, expecting the worst — Lily couldn't deny she was slightly relieved by the sight.

"Are you going to tell?" She asked lowly, her voice lightly waving with nerves as she looked to him.

He laughed.

"Only if you don't," Regulus responded quietly, nodding towards the direction of a hallway before walking towards it, "I technically shouldn't be out either."

She looked to him momentarily.

"Then why are you?" Lily questioned, following him, "Won't you get in trouble?"

"That's unavoidable," He dryly laughed, though, stopped himself as he cleared his throat right after. "This is the only time I can have a little peace."

Lily looked at him.

He avoided her eyes.

"Am I ruining that time for you?"

a beat of silence.

     "No," He said honestly, slowly stopping at a door that Lily remembered to be the library. "It's actually... refreshing... to talk to someone who doesn't share.." He thought aloud, "Well, their values."

she nodded.

       And Regulus's words drowned into silence as neither spoke after. Instead, in step, they made their way into the library — which was now fully clean compared to the time Lily had first seen it.

      The ginger watched as the boy glanced around the room, seemingly looking for something as she stood still in her place. She remained quiet, not wanting to distract him.


At first nothing.

      But as a simple pop sounded behind Lily, the girl whipped her head in the noises direction, furrowing her brows as a small creature avoided her eyes — a look of disgust on its face as it passed her.

P.EVANS + J.POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now