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a spells awakening

"How did you know that spell?"

"I didn't know it."

"You cast it perfectly, where
did you hear it?"

"I didn't, I — It just slipped out."


"Yes! I don't even know what it

      And with that, Dumbledore nodded slowly, keeping his gaze on the three individuals in front of him. Remus was confused. Petunia was upset. Lily was stressed, trying to defend herself.

"Seerensapa," He started, "Is a spell in relation to dark magic. It is very strong, powerful, and hard to cast." He glanced at Lily, "Which is why I am surprised to hear this." He paused, "Because, only one other person was cast with this specific spell."

Everyone perked up at this.

Dumbledore already knew their question.

    "Her name was Cassandra Trelawney," He continued, not waiting for it, "She was a powerful witch, but even more powerful seer — only because of that spell." He spoke, "Before, she had never had a vision in her life."

"Who cast it?"

      "Cassandra was originally an Auror," He started, but as Petunia cocked her head, he further explained, "Someone who defends against the Dark Arts — very dangerous job."

And as she looked satisfied with that, he continued.

      "She was out, doing her rounds, when she was attacked," He softly spoke, "She was doing a phenomenal job protecting herself, but as a spell she was unfamiliar with... that spell... was cast in her direction — Cassandra failed to defend herself, leading her to get struck."

No one asked questions.

They just listened.

    "No one knew what the spell did — not even the one who cast it. But as she was hit, Cassandra immediately fell to the ground, blacking out." He nodded along to his words, "And as she was found, still alive, everyone was surprised to see her lash out — screaming events that had never happened." He paused, "And those events ended up happening sooner than later." He stopped, almost smiling, "Cassandra was considered the best seer to ever be alive."

"And is she.. still alive?"

Dumbledore shook his head.

Petunia frowned.

     "As she was not born a seer, but rather made one," He answered, "Dark Magic coursed through the entirety of her body. And something to know about Dark Magic..." He sighed, "Is that it will always come back with consequences."

Everyone grew quite.

"Which may be death."

Petunia stayed expressionless.

Lily felt a tear escape her eye.

And Remus, who had been quietly listening to each word carefully, was furious by everything he heard — causing himself to stand up and point an accusing finger at Lily.

But just as quickly, Petunia stopped him, to Lily's surprise. And instead, she gently pulled him back to her side, placing a comforting hand against his own as she gave him a reassuring smile.

She looked to Dumbledore.

"If you don't mind me asking," Her voice shook, but she pretended not to notice. "But what is the exact reason I'm here right now?" She asked, "No more stories. No more theories. I just want to know."

He stared at her longly.

It was quiet for more than a moment.

"I had known about the magic used against you," He spoke honestly, "And I must say, was surprised to not hear any updates about your wellbeing after," he continued, "It was thought that the spell may have been ineffective." he explained.

Petunia stayed silent, listening.

He continued.

  "But to be sure, I sent Ms. McGonagall to watch over you for a few weeks," He gestured to the woman in the back, "And as she reported that nothing seemed different, that you were okay — that was believed to be true."

Again, everyone was quiet.

"But this ring tells a different story," He continued after a moment, causing Petunia to twist the small band around her finger, "That the stone, which reads perfectly of emotions — indicated that you.... Petunia... may have been receiving changes after all."

His words were now stopped, and the blonde knew he was no longer planning on continuing — now wanting her to speak. And as she felt the eyes of each person on her, she grew with anxiety.

"I have seen things," She responded rather quiet, her voice being shy. "At first by myself, now..."

Her sentence trailed off as a sense of fear grew inside of her.

She didn't want to talk about it anymore.

And luckily to her, someone was quick to tell.

Because just a second later, McGonagall had taken a step forward, placing two gentle hands on Petunia's shoulders — giving them a comforting squeeze.

"Excuse me," Her voice broke the silence, "But I believe that should be enough for today, it's getting late."

And Dumbledore nodded in agreement.

Petunia looked at the two worriedly.

"Are you sending me home?" She was quick to ask — hating the fact that desperation laced into every word.

But they both shook their head.

Petunia's heart slowed back down.

"We actually believe it to be best," McGonagall smiled sweetly at her, "If you stayed here... semi-permanently. If that's okay?"

She nodded quickly.


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