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from differences to similarities

SINCE THE AGE OF TWELVE, PETUNIA was left in the shadows of her sister Lily. So, when all eyes were on her, the blonde couldn't help but feel slightly awkward in the moment.

With Dorcas next to her, gently holding the girl's hand — Petunia kept her eyes on the ground — avoiding everyone's gaze.

"Well, you've got our attention," Lily was the first to speak, holding a harsh glare at her sister, "What was it — a bad dream?"

petunia flinched at her tone.

And as she thought back to her horrid dream, the girl decided she didn't want to talk about, nor explain it. So she only nodded.

"Then what happened to your arm?" Dorcas was next to ask. And that question not only caused Petunia to stiffen, but also Lily.

Glancing down at her now cleaned wound, Petunia was quiet for a moment — her brain was in a flutter as she thought of her next words carefully.

"I just... scratch.. at it sometimes," Her voice hollowly whispered, earning an unconvincing look from both Sirius and Marlene.

"It looks sort of familiar though, doesn't it?" Dorcas looked at it closer, and Petunia was quick to cover it with her hand — starting to feel self conscious. "Don't you have something similar, Sirius?"

At her words, Petunia couldn't help but perk up, looking directly towards Sirius. And she was surprised to see that the once lively boy was now frowning, awkwardly holding his side.

"sorry," Dorcas mumbled next.

And although it was fake, a soft smile crossed his face as he looked back at her, "No need to be sorry, Curly," he forced a wink, "I can handle the Mrs. any day!" he finished in false-positivity.

petunia's frown grew.

And as an awkward silence soon appeared, Remus let out a quiet cough.

      "I've got, uhm— I've got some stuff that could help with that," He glanced over at her. And Petunia tilted her head at the comment. "You've got something for scars?" She asked back, seeing the few that surrounded his face, "Wouldn't you just use magic for that?"

       At the question Remus nodded, even letting a small smile escape as he did so, "Yeah, yeah I would," he answered honestly, "But since it's illegal to use magic outside of school—"


        Petunia wasn't typically the type to interrupt, since she understood it as rude, but as the words left his lips — she couldn't help but ask, while also staring at her sister, who held a guilty look.

         Remus eye'd her confusedly, but as he remembered she wasn't a witch, he nodded in understanding. "You aren't allowed to use magic, outside of Hogwarts, until the age of seventeen. Which is the legal age."

       "—Unless you are attacked, of course," Lily quickly added in, avoiding the blonde's gaze, "Which is truly the only excuse an underage witch or wizard could use to not get expelled."

"But even then," Marlene started, "We aren't allowed to use it in front of Muggles. Squibs are okay, but—"

"Please," Petunia cut her off, cringing at the fact that she'd done that twice so far, "sorry." she added briefly, "But, please, stop making up so many words!" she shortly ranted.

James snickered at that.

Marlene looked at her confused.

"This is just like earlier today when you said avada kedavra, wasn't the killing curse," Peter spoke for the first time, "And then proceeded to cast it at James with an icicle."

Remus held back a smile.

"There is absolutely no way that is your killing curse," Petunia huffed, sitting back in her seat, "It's just too easy! Why would they make it so easy?!"

"I've said this before," Peter stared at her, his eyes slightly wider than usual, "But I will continuously thank Merlin for not giving you any magical abilities."

Petunia scoffed, crossing her arms as she did so, "I would be the best bloody witch out there, thank you very much," she sassed, though also winced, as her arm stung slightly for a moment,
         "the best bloody witch."


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