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last fun chapter till we get serious :)

magical snowball fight

BOTH DORCAS AND MARLENE were a year older than the collective group they were with. (Meaning they were both seventeen) So, as the group heard Remus and Petunia getting into a fierce snowball fight just outside, all hell broke loose as the remaining people ran out to join them.

Marlene was the first to conjure a collection of snowballs with a swift swing of her wand — and as she eye'd a tumbling Peter, who was struggling to make a snowball by hand, she pointed her wand towards him, causing the dozen snowballs to head his way.

The boy was oblivious to attack, which stayed that way. Because before they could hit him, Lily had been mindlessly walking in front of him, taking the multiple hits herself.

Dorcas, on the other hand, took a different approach to her magical advantage. The girl instead had the idea to form a thick wall in front of her, which was rather successful as each of Sirius's snowballs hit it instead of her.

Petunia was still on the ground, her clothes now damp from the snow. But she had yet to be hit with anything.

Because as James had run outside, slipping and sliding against the icy floor, he had dramatically skated his way to the girl — screaming "I'll save you Tuna!" before falling on top of her, causing a loud groan to escape her lips.

Sirius, on the other hand, took a different approach. And instead of 'protecting' Remus like James to Petunia, the boy instead held the boy in front of him — using Remus as a shield as Peter decided to throw snowclumps at the boys (since his snowball making was unsuccessful).

      Pandora, much like Peter, decided that clumps of snow were the way to go. But as she went to scoop another handful, Regulus had pushed her, making her fall face first into the icy white snow.

       Laughter filled the air, smiles reached each and everyone's faces — and for the first time in awhile, they all seemed happy, stress free from the life they were currently living.


        Mia and Fleamont were inside the home as the teens were outside, enjoying themselves. And the two adults laughed as they watched from their bedroom window, taking in the sight of all the joyful expressions.

      Fleamont was directing the sight animatedly, making Mia laugh harder as he deepened his voice, saying things like, "Oh! Remus ducked away last minute, causing two harsh snowballs from Marlene McKinnon to hit Sirius Black!" or "Dorcas is now hiding from the rest as she makes a..." he paused, "quite intimidating snowman must I be honest."

        "Don't miss Peter throwing the snowball and Marlene charming it to come back and hit him," Mia lightly added on, directing her husband to the new sight. "Or our love-stricken son who had just been bamboozled by his own girlfriend," She laughed that time, seeing as Petunia smashed snow on his face — causing herself to immediately scrunch her nose in response as the snow fell back onto her.

they laughed.

       And as neither spoke again, instead watching the group outside as their laughs slowly died down, Fleamont had grabbed Mia's hand — softly squeezing it as his thumb traced her skin.

      "Did you get Dumbledore's letter?" He asked, the excitement from his voice vanishing. "About the little trips they will be making this summer."

       "No detail or explanation," Mia furrowed, nodding along in response, "Secrecy."

"Sounds dangerous, doesn't it?"


       "He wouldn't put them in danger, would he?" She flicked her eyes to him for a moment, "He's their headmaster, he's here to protect his students."

       "Didn't sound very protective when he forced Petunia into her visions," He left his stance by the window, heading to his bedside drawer as he found James' brief explaining letters. No details. No reasoning. Just four words, 'He's using her again.' and then three more, "Scared for her.'

"Did he ever tell you why?"

       "Avoided the question," Fleamont frowned, setting the letters back into the safety of his drawer, "He didn't want to talk about it."

      "Or maybe he couldn't," Mia matched his frown, "He always would talk about anything else."

     "Unless Petunia was involved," He turned to his wife, "Dumbledore seemed to have a knack for the girl."

Mia's frown grew.

A beat of silence again.

      And with that silence, Mia looked out the window once more — solely keeping her attention to the smiling Petunia.

       "We are her responsibility now," She barely whispered, slightly fogging the window before her, "And we will make sure she's safe."


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