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AND WE ARE BACK (with hopefully a few chapters today)


    ALTHOUGH EACH HALLWAY IN Hogwarts is unique, that doesn't stop students, staff, or visitors from getting lost.

Remus Lupin, with the Marauders' Map in his hands, was doing his best to not only avoid any of the professors, but also navigate his way through the school.

The same brick pattern aligned each wall and portraits, who were for the most part quiet, were in their respected painting — either sleeping or eyeing the young boy curiously.

And even as they tried to talk to him, Remus ignored each of their words, keeping his eyes solely on the map before him.

Though, as his ring was currently shining with color, he had to flip the side with the stone towards his palm — hiding any sort of color it portrayed. And even so, sometimes he would lift his finger, letting the light reflect onto the map — helping him read it better.

His steps were quiet, the hallways were dark, and he was alone in each location he went too — successfully leading him to his final destination.

The office of his headmaster.

Though, not planning that far ahead, Remus stood at the supposed entrance, mouth agape — trying to think of the password.

"Uhm," His voice croaked out, and Remus looked in both directions to make sure no one could hear him, "Baubles," He stated confidently, waiting patiently for something to happen.

Nothing happened.

"Dilligrout," He tried again, "Scolding... Banana Fritters," He began to list.

And again, nothing happened.

Remus huffed in annoyance, placing his map between his arm and side, continuing his list.

"Balderdash," Again, he paused, "Philosopher, Caput Draconis, Dragon's Head, Jitter, Pig Snout," he spoke faster, "Fortuna Major, Scurvy Cur, Dissendium, Sirius-" he surprised himself with that one, "Did I just say Sirius," He almost laughed, but as a noise sounded a few feet away, he started again, "Fairy lights, Pine fresh, Fizzing Whizbee."

It moved on the last one.

"Are you kidding me," He mumbled shortly, watching as it began to change, "Of course it would be Fizzing Whizbee," he sarcastically stated, pulling out his map, "Mischief Managed."

    The stairs, which were formed in white stone, led Remus further and further down into the basements of Hogwarts — and as his feet echoed with each step he took, Remus cringed at his no longer sneaky state.

The stairway was narrow and held no decorations on the walls before him, and almost abruptly, the door to the headmasters office appeared.

And as he reluctantly hovered his fist over the door, he lost the opportunity to knock.

Because it had already opened.

Albus Dumbledore watched him expectantly.

"Hello, Mr. Lupin," He greeted formally, a small twinkle in his eye, "Very creative passwords you'd come up with, I actually wrote a few down for inspiration."

Remus's face grew red, remembering his slip of Sirius's name.

"Professor," He spoke politely, even providing an awkward nod, "I have.. something," He tried to say, "That may be nothing — but could also be something," he continued. Though, as he thought back his words, he mentally rolled his eyes, thinking he'd spoken in riddles.

But Dumbledore held no confusion as he listened to Remus, and instead gestured his hand to the seat in front him — which Remus quickly took.

"Continue," He encouraged, but as Remus seemed slightly uncomfortable, he spoke again, "I can assure you that whatever needs spoken of, will not be repeated outside this room."

And even then, Remus still felt slightly weary. But as it was already late, he didn't want to waste anymore time. So, ignoring his feelings, he quickly took off his ring — protectively holding it in his hand

"A week before Christmas I had received a gift from my parents," He started shortly, "It was a simple note, only a few words, but inside of the envelope," He continued, now twisting the jewelry in his hand, "Was a ring."

"A ring?"

Remus nodded.

"A mood ring," He added the detail, "But it never seems to align with my emotions, never seems to really connect with me," he explained.

Remus expected Dumbledore to laugh, maybe even smile more than he already was. But instead, he nodded to each word, listening intently.

"Do you have the ring with you?"

Again, he nodded, and Remus placed it down on the desk, watching for Dumbledore's reaction.

And although he didn't know what to expect, Remus was surprised to see the once welcoming smile soon turned into a deep frown.


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