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calling myself out here — i've only seen the first harry potter movie//read up until order of the phoenix LMAO
+ got into harry potter in.. November??


... phoenix


It was quiet once Albus Dumbledore had finished his statement — addressing the status of The Order and what it stood for. The Headmaster was, in fact, expecting a slightly negative response — knowing that asking such a young audience would fear the idea of fighting.

Though, there were some who agreed.

It started with Sirius.

Knowing his families history, Sirius Black wanted to go against what he was known for. And after the chat he had with his brother, hearing every torturous thing his parents had done to him, Sirius knew that this is what was needed.

he had joined the order.

James was next, much to Petunia's worry. Almost running into Sirius as he stepped forward, the boy held back the feared expression on his face — wanting the opportunity to finally become an Auror. He thought he was ready.

Petunia wasn't so sure.

Peter continued to coward in the back, a look of concern crossing every inch of his face. He was absolutely terrified over the idea of fighting — seeing his friends fighting. Peter didn't want to join.

But as Marlene McKinnon soon followed by Dorcas also agree'd to join, he found his only hope being in the other three.

Remus, Lily, and Petunia.

Each and every other student, along with a few more that Petunia didn't recognize, all stepped forward, writing their name on the parchment he had laid out.

And the blonde, who ran her fingers anxiously up and down her arm, refused to meet the eyes of the people in front of her. She knew they were watching them. One with reluctance, another with curiosity — Albus Dumbledore was the only one who had a look of assurance on his face, and for a moment, Petunia wasn't sure why.

until she saw the paper.

"You've already put my name on it?" her voice cowered over the silent group, gaining the attention of others. "I did not sign this."

Petunia's question hadn't been answered. But, it didn't need to be. Because as the discolored parchment stayed directly on his desk, Petunia could see her name as clear as day, signed with a typed print.

she stared at the three.

"What do you want from me?"

her voice lacked confidence.

And with the same twinkle in his eye, Dumbledore took a step closer to the girl, his expression downing as she'd shown uncertainty.

"Tell me, have you had any visions lately?"

Petunia almost laughed.

Not an amused laugh — a laugh that contained any sorts of genuineness. But one that sounded more like a scoff — disbelief.

"I will not be your puppet." She frowned in return, ignoring the others that surrounded her, "I would not suffer for you," Petunia shortly added in, "I'm sorry. But I won't."

Dumbledore nodded, acting as if he knew she'd say that.

"But you would for them."

Her frown deepened.

And with strung look on her face, Petunia glanced at each and every person in the room. The ones she knew, the ones she hadn't — the blonde thought back to the attacks she'd read in the paper. Petunia thought back to her visions with Regulus, the pain Voldemort had endured on her, just to see his future.

her blood turned cold.

     She was scared, to say the least. And as her lingering hand traveled down her scar-ridden arm, Petunia remembered how it felt and looked after each vision. Bloody and bruised, her eyes pink from crying, the tremendous and quiet screams that would erupt from her throat.

Petunia didn't want to fight.

But there would still be one.

     And with one end being filled with dangerous people, the other side containing her friends and family — Petunia felt herself refusing to let them get hurt in the process.

These people cared for her.

Petunia cared for them.

     And if she could do something to stop it, stop them from meeting death, she would in a heartbeat. So, as her eyes traveled to Dumbledore, she almost felt pain as her lips opened — readying herself of her words.

James didn't want her to say it.

But she already had.

"I would."


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