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this entire chapter was supposed to come out yesterday, but wattpad decided to delete it... twice. <3

and today is a bad day — so, i made this chapter a happy one! enjoy

muggle quidditch

          THE SMELL OF BACON AND EGGS lingered through the air as Petunia was cooking breakfast — seemingly trying to ignore the stares from the boys in front of her.

         "But, okay, be honest," Sirius continued their conversation, "If you could have any superpower, what would it be?"

The room was quiet for a moment.

       "Oh, too easy," Peter was the first to answer, "It would obviously be time travel."

Remus nodded.

Sirius scoffed.

       "That's so boring!" He complained, quite loudly, causing Petunia to arch her brow at his dramatics.

        "Oh yeah?" Peter offendedly questioned back, "What would you do, then?"

         "Easy.." Sirius stated confidently. Though, he paused right after, a look of confusion on his face. "Well, uh, I don't know — mind manipulation?"

Peter rolled his eyes.

          "I think it would be cool to fly," James spoke next, "Without the broom, obviously."


The four glanced up at her.

         "We fly... on brooms," James tried to explain, but as Petunia's eyes widened, he rolled his own, "Were you not listening when I explained Quidditch!"

         "I thought you were making it up!" Petunia quickly defended, "Flying brooms.. balls — a ball with wings!" She remembered, "That's all real?"

         "We are wizards, darling," James laughed out, and her stomach fluttered at the name, "Is a ball with wings and flying broomsticks really that surprising?"

Petunia struggled to respond.

and she abruptly left the room.

        "Oh, look what you've done, Prongs!" Sirius snickered out, "You've upset, Tuna."

        And for a brief moment, James smile flickered to frown — right before she barged back into the room, a broom tightly in her grasp.

"Prove it."


"Prove it," She challenged.

James looked helplessly at his friends, who now suddenly found everything else more interesting.

"I can't, I—"

"Hmm," She interrupted, a small smile playing on her face, "Too bad so sad, liar." She mockingly sung out, placing the broom against the wall as she headed to the oven, "Food's done, by the way... darling."

Petunia stared at them, confusedly.

"You want me to what?"

         Sirius was holding a ball in his hand, occasionally tossing it to Remus as he looked at her. "I've explained it like.. five times," he spoke exasperatedly.

Petunia stared at him, blankly.

"If you consider saying, 'pass it to him, wait- no.. him'" She began to imitate, "'And then shoot it through that.. thing,'" she continued, in her best Sirius voice, "Then, that is quite frankly the worst explanation I've ever heard."

Sirius gasped.

"I'll have you know that I am, in fact, the announcer for Quidditch," He started, "It is literally my job to explain what goes on!"

She smiled.

He frowned.

"I bet I could do... better."

       And as Sirius watched her expression grow confident, he shrugged, repeating the words she spoke just two hours previously, "prove it."

     Petunia doubted Sirius, but she wouldn't admit that.

     Her voice, which was now slightly strained, continuously yelled out each play as it happened — ignoring the snickering from both Peter and Sirius.

     "Jamesies passes it to uhm... Moony — shut up Sirius," She announced loudly, trying to focus on the ball that was being thrown around. However, as the girls near her started talking about the shapes of the clouds, Petunia couldn't help but let her eyes wander.

     "Stupid," She referred to Sirius, "passed it to Pete and— uhm," She stuttered out, glancing at the sky, "he- scored, well - yeah... OW!"

     With her eyes on the clouds, Petunia didn't notice as Sirius purposely overthrew the ball — hitting her perfectly in the chest.

"... heads up?"

"James!" She called out suddenly, and he looked at her quickly, getting ready to defend himself, "What's that word you use when you threaten someone?!" She questioningly yelled, "In your wizard language?"

James looked at her dumbfounded, trying to hold in the laugh that almost escaped, "Uhm," He thought shortly, "Hex?"

Petunia nodded in confirmation, even though she had no idea if that was actually the right word — and she turned to Sirius, crossing her arms as meanly as she could.

it wasn't very intimidating.

     "Sirius Destiny Black!" She called out, almost being interrupted by Sirius as he shouted, "that's not even my middle name!"

She ignored him.

"I'd hex you if I could!"

so boring SO sucky — i know i'm SORRY. i had a whole different plot, but after wattpad deleted it twice, i took that as a sign to switch it up, loll

P.EVANS + J.POTTEROnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora