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the mark of evil

DESPITE THE DAY BEING YOUNG, Petunia was still locked in her room because of Lily, whom wanted to be with just her friends for the day. And because of this small quarantine Petunia was given — she'd grown tired from laying in her bed.

So, as a yawn escaped her lips and her body was tucked into her warm sheets, her blinds being closed — Petunia's eyes fluttered shut, and before she knew it, she was fast asleep.

And as darkness surrounded her, being eerily quiet through her peaceful slumber — Petunia's nose subconsciously scrunched in her sleep, feeling as her scar burned into her skin.

and just a moment later, she saw him.

The same pale skin. The horrid smile and slitted nose. His beady black eyes stared directly at her, speaking with no sound.

It remained quiet.

Petunia watched as his lips moved incoherently. And as she tried to understand what he was saying — nothing could be translated.

     And even when she tried to speak herself — Petunia was disappointed to find that her own voice was silent — only being huffs of breath as her lips continuously parted.

She almost felt like she was suffocating.

But Petunia wasn't scared, despite it all. She knew she was dreaming, that this nightmare of a man wasn't real. He couldn't hurt her — he wouldn't hurt her. Because this was her dream — she had control.

Until he took a step closer.

Petunia went to take a step back, but as if she had no control, her muscles didn't move an inch. She stayed put.


And he took another step closer.

And she tried to step back again—
it didn't work.


Instead, she cried out silently. Because with each step he took closer, another piercing stab would hit her arm — right where the horrid scar laid.

And as Petunia tried to grip her arm — her eyes followed suit. She was surprised to see that the scar, that had been etched on her skin years ago, was no longer there. But rather replaced with an ugly snake wrapped around a skull.

She suddenly couldn't breathe.

Despite the rise and fall of her chest, Petunia couldn't feel the air escaping her lips. Instead, she continuously heaved silently, still having tears escape her eyes.

he was so close to her.

And as his face laid inches away from her, his hand hovering over her tear stained cheek — he smiled.

And Petunia woke up.

Both dizzy and sick, Petunia was quick to lean over her bed, coughing up anything she could in that moment.

       And as tears still freely escaped her eyes, Petunia stayed hovering over her bed, not currently caring about the puke hitting her hardwood flooring. Instead, she was worried over her scar, which was no longer burning, but now had blood seeping out of it — staining her sleeves.

the wound was reopened.

      The ruckus that Petunia was causing did gather the attention of a couple others — and with her loud coughing, the two desperately attempted to get in her room — which only took a few tries before succeeding.

      Dorcas was the first one to witness the sight— quickly grabbing the closest trashcan as she placed it under Petunia. And James was the second to come in — his eyes widening at the girl.

       Petunia hadn't noticed either, but once her hair was pulled back by James Potter himself, she was beginning to come back to her senses.

"i'm so sorry."

Her voice was small, weak — they almost hadn't heard it leave her mouth. But as neither knew what she was sorry for, and didn't feel as she should be questioned at the moment, simply stayed quiet as they stayed by her side.

petunia's sobs were the only sound evident.

And as Dorcas was already cleaning up the mess from before, James decided to stay by her side, his thumb softly rubbing the back of her neck for comfort.

she shivered at the feeling.

Though, in that moment, none knew what had just happened. The two magical beings simply thought she'd gotten sick — and that was why she was in her room all alone. And for Petunia, she thought it was just a nightmare. A very realistic, painful, nightmare.

they were all wrong.

i'll probably re-edit this later, hehe

P.EVANS + J.POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now