Chapter 41: The Interview (part 1)

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Liams Pov:

Its been three weeks. Mollie still hasnt woken up yet. Everyone only has half a week left of their punishments. I can tell its killing everyone, especially Louis. He didnt want to come to the interview, he just wanted to stay home and lay in bed in the dark. We finally got here though. Kate and Lauren are back stage watching us as the interview just started.

"Good afternoon lads." Kathy said ad wr sat down on the couch.

"Afternoon Kathy." I reply with a fake smile. What? Im unhappy.. the lads mumble there 'hellos' and louis says nothing.

"So, I jear there's a new album coming out soon... Hows it coming?" She asks.

"Coming along just great! The songs on there mean alot to the lads and I. Wr did write them ourselves. We really hope and think the fans will love it." Zayn said.

"Good good. Cant wait. So uh, recently, media has caught attention of you lads in the hostpial. What happened? Louis, you looked to be in a wheelchair for a couple of days." She asked looking serious.

"Um.. there was an accident and he just hurt his leg. Nothing serious." I answered before Louis could say anything about what really happened.

"Nothing serious my ass." Louis mumbled.

The reporter nods skeptically and looks down at her notes. "Well, we have reports that a man was escorted, from the same hostpial you were in Louis, to jail a few days after you were taken to the hostpial. Are you telling me that was just a coincidence?" She holds tge microphone obnoxiously close to Louis and she smiled a fake perky smile.

Louis tenses up hearing her talk about Mollies father. I'm about to say something when Louis grabs the Mic.

"No, tgat was not a coincidence. That man was Mollies father. He took her away from me and hurt her and now shes in a co.a for god knows how long! He shot me in my upper thigh when I was trying to save her from his damn ass! Hes lucky to be alive. I swear if mollie doesn't make it, I will kill him." He hands the mic back to her and slumps back into his seat.

I sigh along with the lads and Kathy has a smrik on her face, happy with whag shes just been told. The audience is silent for a few moments when whispets break out.

"Oh, how awful." She mock-pouts, and looks at the audience for a few 'awws', then turns baxk to us with a that smile plastered back on her face. "So how is Mollie doing?" Harry says something before Louis can, agian.

"Shes doing fine." Is all he says and pats Louis shoulder.

"Really?!" She draws out and smriks. "How come we haven't seen her?" God I want to punch this lady.

"Look, Kathy, please dont make this jarder for Lou or for the any of us as it already is. You know why you havent seen her, from Louis has said. Can we move on from this subject?" I ask, trying not to sound rude, but this lady js getting on my last nerve and I can tell its the same way with the lads.

Her plastered smile falters for a moment, but she brings it right back. "So Lewis," really? She cant even pronounce his name right? "Is it true love for you? Or are you going to crawl back to Eleanor when Mollie is dead?" Damn, this girl is asking for a death wish. I can see Louis tense up, even more, at Eleanors name.

"She wont die. I won't let that happen. And I will never go back to her." He growls at Kathy.

She just smriks away at him, very pleased on hows he is reacting. Simon must really hate us now.

"So, liam and Niall, you two have girlfriends, yes?"

"I have a lovely girlfriend, Kate Neal." Niall smiles proudly.

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