Chapter 43: The ride there

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Lauren Pov:

"Why did we have to leave?!" Kate shouts as I floor the gas, putting my blinkers as I drive.

"Theres an issue. Mollie is apprently having problems, they need to discuss them with us." I muttered and a police man begins to chase me. "Shit."

I pull over and pull out my bad he as the officer makes his way slowly to the car.

"Licence and registration please." He says and writes something on a notebook.

"Look, I work for the FBI. This is am emergency. I really have to go." I tell him, he ignores me.

I reach for my licence and look up at late. I twll her to hold on as the officer demands my lisence agian. I step on the gas and speed dowm the street, avoiding the most popular road.

"You're going to get us arrested!!!" Kate shouts as sirens begin to echo behind me.

"Thats the advantage to being an agent." I laugh. "If you break the law, you have the law to back you up."

I whirl around a corner and pull into a motorcycle-filled grage and jump out of the car. I walk to a man, with a manger badge and flash him my FBI badge.

"I need a two seated motorcycle and I need to hide this car." I demand and show him my weapon.

He nods quickly and rolls over a nice black motorcycle, and I pull two hundred bucks out kf my wallet.

"Ill pay you more later, thank you."

He snatches the money and I jump onto the motorcycle, mentioning kate over as the sirens get louder. I speed away from the garage and turn a corner seconds before the cops do. Kate is screaming, im laughing, and thw wind is whipping our hair. Kate is holding onto me for dear life, it kinda hurts.

"Relax, were going to be fine." I shout as we run a red light, barely dodging a semi.

We pull up to the hostpial and get out. Kate looks like shes about to puke. She clutches the bike, since I got off, her eyes wide and terrified.

"Come on, lets go."

Hello!! I know short chapter!! But I will now be updating whenever I can!! Yay!! So it may be more then once a week or it may not idk! But yay!! So can we just talk about zayn, naughty boy, and louis for a moment? Like really zayn?! Louis wasnt even talking about nor at you! He really shouldnt have came onto twitter. Like really?! Louis was defending liam!! Zayn has lost my respect and support. I would be sorry but im to pissed off to be sorry at him. Comment on what you thiught about the tiwtter war behind them! I gotta go do math!! Bye!! Comment what yiu thought about that ride!!
~mollie fife

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