Chapter 23: Taken

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Louis Pov:

I'm all better. Yay! Thanks to Mollie. So Simon said the lads and I will have an interview so the press knows why Kate and Mollie are here. So no rumors get started. Right now were in the interview, Kate and Mollie are watching from the back room.

"So Louis, do you and Mollie have something serious or is it just a fling?" The fake blonde hair, caked face, barbie doll asked. Ya, its one of those interviewers.

"If there was something serious, which theres not, it wouldnt be a fling. Mollie and Kate are here for school. Nothing more nothing less." I said wishing it was something serious with Mollie, but sadly its not.

"Niall, is it true that Kate is your girlfriend?"

"Yes it is. No she is not a fling and no she is not some girl management hired for me." Niall said proudly.

It was true. Niall asked Kate out sometime last week. I guess they just went public about their relationship. The interview went on and soon it was over. We went back to the room with Mollie and Kate. When we got there, we found Kate shaking a sobbing on the couch. Niall ran to her scooped her up.

"Kate, princess, whats wrong?!" Niall asked worried, we were all worried. But something caught my eye and that made me blood run cold..

"Where's Mollie?!" I asked. Everyone looked around until Kate said what I didnt want to hear.

"Shes... shes gone. He got her" He cried harder into Nialls now soaked shirt. I froze wanting this to be a dream and wake up with Mollie in my arms.

Mollie Pov: *during the interview*

"Hey Kate, Ill be right back. Gotta pee." I said leaving. All I heard was an 'okay, dont get lost.' as I left.

I was looking for the bathroom, this place I big, when I felt a hand cover my mouth. I screamed but quickly stopped when I heard my dads voice.

"Come with me, without any trouble and Kate and that boy-band wont die." He whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine,  not the good kind.

I nodded and went with him, well more like got dragged out. It sucks when nobody's around to save you in a time like this.. I was shoved, rather harsh, into the back of his black BMW. Than he drove off, while I was panicking so much thag I started hyperventilating. Soon darkness came around me and the light faded away.

Hello! Sorry I took so long to update.. I lost someone close to me, for those of you who know me personally know who im talking about, and ive taken it hard so I havent updated.. sorry.. but ill try to update more.. promise. Comment and vote! Bye!


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