Chapter 20: Dare or die

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Mollie Pov:

I woke up to a very weird sound.

"Louis, go see what that sound is." I mumbled and hitting nothing. Wait what?

I opened my eyes to see Louis not next to me. I heard groaning than a flush. Oh, Lou must be in the bathroom. I got up and knocked on door.

"Lou, are you okay?" I asked through the door.

"No! Dont come in! I look horrible!" He said than went back to what sounds like throwing up? I opened the door to see just that.

"OMG! Louis, are you okay?! I bet its from you eating the chicken off the floor yesterday!" I said and went to his side, rubbing his back. "I'm going to go and-"

"Omg! Louis Tomlinson what happened to you?! Simons not going to be happy." Liam said cutting me off.

Soon everyone rushed in, once thwy heard Louis throwing up and Liams yelling. Once Niall got here and saw louis, he just about died laughing. I stood up and walked over to him, than slapped him upside the head.

"You idiot, its your fault Louis is sick. Becuase of your dare from yesterday." I said. "I'll stay here with him today."

"What?! You cant do that! We start our school work today!" Kate said. I sighed.

"Fine, but I'll be late since Louis is sick." I said.

"Okay, well we need to get going. Come lads and lady. Lets go." Liam said. "Get better mate." With that, they left. Apprently they all were up and ready to leave. Of course. Back to Louis.

"Mollie, just go with them. Ill be fine." He said throwing up once agian.

"Ill leave once you've taken medicine and gone back to bed." I said.

He sighed in defeat, while I smiled in triumph. I told Louis I would be back on I got some medicine. I went downstairs and grabbed some, than came back upstairs. I had to force Louis to take it. Once he did, I helped him back in bed. He had throw up on his shirt. Gross! So I helped him take it off. Hello ABS! He wouldn't let me leave until he fell alseep. I ended up singing him a song I wrote, that put him to sleep. Once I took a shower and everything I left for the studio. Once I got there, a bunch of fans and paparazzi were there. The paps tried to take pictures of me, but luckily I had my hood up. Well Louis hood up. That was until one of the fans took my hood off. I knew the paps got a picture of my face. I ran inside and soon found everyone. Niall asked if Louis was still throwing up. I glared at him than told them that hes asleep. Simon wasnt happy with Nialls dare and Louis being sick. After all they have a new album to record. He also said that once louis gets better, the boys will have an interview saying why Kate and I are here. Oh joy.. All the guys and Kate looked me. I knew there ask in silently if it was okay. I just put on a fan smile and shook my head yes and went along. But inside I was dying, afraid my dad might hear of it and know where im at. For the rest of the day we learned how to do sound check and other stuff that deals with that. All me and Kate wanted to do was sleep by the end. And thats exactly what we did when the boys did vocal stuff. We found a couch and crashed letting sleep take over us.

Okay! So here's the update I promised. And remember our deal we had yesterday. During next two weeks I wont be on cuz I wont have wifi. So during those two weeks, I want some commenting and voting to look at when I come back. If theres anything commenting or voting than ill delete this story, since I dont know what yall think of this story... So ya, until two weeks. Bye!


P.S Sorry this chapter is bad

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