Chapter 31: Search #3

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Lauren Pov:

I speed down the road, my hands gripping the steering wheel so tightly my knuckles are white. I see Liam glancing at me out of the corner of my eye, but I refuse to look at him. I follow the GPS onto an abandon road that, I assume, leads to the abandon gym.

"Turn right in point 38miles." The GPS announces.

I glance down at the gas dial, shit! Its almost empty. I speed up and the GPS exclaims "Turn right!" quickly followed by "Recalibrating".

"Recalibrating my ass!"I shout and rip it off the dash board, throwing it out the window and take a deep breath.Not even a minute later, my car begins to stutter.

"Dont. You. Dare." I growl, but it stops anyway.

I manage to pull the car halfway off the road before the engine dies. I kick open the car door and take out my pistol. I put it in its holster ob my waistband. Then reach into rhe bag and grab my glock 23.

"Here." I cautiously walk over to Liam. "If we grt separated, you have tk be able to protect yourself." I cock it, aiming it a near by tree. "After you do that, just pull this trigger here." I pull it and a loud gunshot echoes, making him flinch.

I hand him the gun after putting the safety on and begin walking down the path. I hear him run up behind me and I pick up to a jog. He catches up a few moments later and wr run in silence for a while.

"Look.. Lauren, i-"

"Liam, dont-" I interrupted him, but he interrupts me back.

"I just want to-"

"Pleasr dont make this worse for-"

"Lauren, please!" He shouts and I stop in my tracks. "All I want to know is what happened to you! Why you're scared of me, why you're as rough as you are!" He shouts.

I sigh and begin walking agian, pulling my arms close. "Well.. my senior year if high school, I began to date a guy, Nathan. He was sweet, kind, and funny but... he changed... he got cocky, rude, and bossy. My parents didnt like him after he had changed, but I was set on believing that he was perfect."I sighed and felt a lump forming in ny throat. "The dat after ny graduation, I wanted him to spend the night, but my parents said no. We both got so angry, but I stayed at my house and he left. But.. he came back and broke in... and he..." Tears are welling up in my eyes and I wipe them away. "He murdered my parents.  He ad a butcher knife and stabbed my father repeatedly until he wasnt moving. Then took out a gun and shot my mother four times. He had barricaded my door so I couldnt get out. I cried so much, ended up frying myself to sleep. I couldnt leave becasue I couldnt leave my parents... the next morning he came in.. and leaned down and said 'we can be togethere forever." My voice catches on the last word and Liam wraps his arms around me. "I remember running into my parents room.. there was so much blood.." my voice becomes high and scratchy,  I can barely see straight frim all the tears. "My dad was holding my moms hand and I... I lost it. I grabbed the bloody knife and turned to Nathan.. and... I.." Tears are burning my cheeks as they run down. "I killed him. I kept stabbing him. Blood god everywhere on me. He kept screaming at me to stop until he was dead. I may have been mad at my parents, but I loved them. I was their only child, they treated me like a princess. Not in the greedy way, they were just so kind and tried everything for me ti be successful and happy.." I take a deeo breath and continue. "Next thing I knew the F.B.I showed up. At first they thoughr I killed my parents, but they could prints that he did that. They gave me two options. Option one; try to survive on my own after prison. Option two; go to a year long mental hostpial and get an internship with them and have a chance of being successful. I chose the latter and here I am."

He nods slowly and sits on the curb. "I am so sorry... no one should ever have to endure that."

I choked out a laugh and sit next to him. I  nod and sigh looking at my hands. "Im sorry about earlier."

He shakes his head and rest his hand on my chin. "No, I pushed yoh. I just wish I could've been there for you, you've soent two years on your own.."

"Its not too bad." I shrug and reluctantly rest my head on his shoulder.

"Well I dont want you to be lonely anymore." He smiles down at me and my heart skips a beat.

He leans down slowly and his eyes seemed to be asking for permission to get closer. I wrap both my arms around his neck and pull him a little closer as a yes. His lips meet mine and my stomach explodes into fireworks. I feel alive. I feel happy. I feel emotion agian. I feel... my phone vibrating. I reluctantly pull away and pull out my phone. Harry.

"What?!" I snap and liam kisses my cheek sweetly.

"Louis found Mollie." He says and you can hear Zayn shout in the background. "DAMMIT! HARRY! DRIVE STRAIGHT!"

"Good, tell him yo wait until we get there." I say and move to hang up but Harry speaks up agian.

"Hes going in."

"What?! No! Hes not armed! Make him stop!" I shout through the phone and begin to run along the road, Liam chasing me quickly.

"Hes not stopping. He said theres no time then hung up." He said as Zayn screams agian.

I pick up my speed until im full on running back ti the main road. "Where is he?" I asked, my breathing getting heavier.

"Some house. We're heated there now. Address is 16600 Lake Drive Avenue."

"Olay, see ya there. Bye." I hang up and keep running, dialing another number.


"Dan? I have a potential hostage situation. Girl is nineteen years old, kidnapper is her father. He is armed and dangerous." I fill him in on the details.

"Alright, we're tracking that place now. See ya soon." He responds then hangs up.

I keep running and Liam catches up, his long legs giving him an advantage. "Who was that?" He asks, breathing heavy.

"My boss out here." I say. "Knowing Dan every agent I know and trust, the police department will help. We are going to get Mollie AND Louis out alive. Dont worry." I only wish I could believe that myself.

Hello!! So you finally get to know Laurens story. So crazy ex boyfriend, dead parents. Goodness alot has happened for her. Alright, so yay! Her and liam kissed! Yay!! And now Louis is going for a suicide mission. Oh joy... next chatper will be Louis search ;) so im quiet upset right now becasue they guy that I like used to like me then started acting weird between thanksgiving and now. I finally got it our of him yesterday and I asked him if he still liked me cuz if he doesnt then I want to knoe so im not being lead on and he said yeah that'd it. Welp I almost cried. I didnt cey at all until that night.. I ended up crying myself to sleep. Like I really liked him and then he ignores me for 4fucking days. Then doesnt tell ne that he doesnt like me  anymore until I asked him. Like was he even going to tell me or was he just going to lead me on letting myself look like a compeltle idiot. So if yall could leave some good comments about the story or in general that'd be nice. Well I gotta go, bye my dears :)

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