Chapter 28: The worst its ever been

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Mollie Pov:

A sharp slap to my cheek jolts me awake from my sweet dream with Louis. Im no longer tied to a metal pole, but in sitting and tied to a chair. I see my father standing over me.

"Rise and shine sweetheart" he growls than punches me.

I feel a hot, salty taste in my mouth. Blood. My hair is matted around my face, havent taken a shower or shaven in days. Ew! Blood trickles out of my nose, I cant even remember what its from. Honestly I dont want to know.

"Alright bitch, your little friends are on their way. So I had to move you here." He motions to the small house im in sitting.

I see he has his normal knives in the coffee table. I notice something a new, a gun. Holy shit, my father plus a gun equals death. Im gonna die.. my dad notices I saw the gun and smriks. I hang my head a sweat or blood, not sure of which one, drips off my forehead.

"Ready for more wounds that your mother had." He says. I shake my jead no ever so slightly and he chuckles darkly. "Too bad bitch. There coming to you. Now." He picks up a large knife and walks over to me." Your mother had glass cut on her stomach. Since I dont have any glass, my knife will work evem better." He smriks as I whimper in fear.

He slowly tears my shirt in half, leaving the top part on.

"Dad.. pl..please s-stop" My voice barely came out.

I havent had eaten anything yo drink or eat in how every many days I've been here. My weight is dropping like crazy. Im so weak, I cant even lift a finger for more than two seconds. Im usually stronger, but im as weak as can be. I feel the cold bald graze my stomach as he puts more pressure. Hes made a small cut, but a bloody one. I no longer have the energy to scream, only silent tears coming down.

"Thats not the only cut she had. She had a small cut on her right foot"

Than the cut, honestly I cant feel that, just tue blood coming out. Ive lost basically all the feeling throughout my body since I've been here. I still cry silently, not because of the pain, but becasue I know im going to die.

"Those were all the wounds your mother had, but she died from impact." This is it. Im going to die now. "Before I kill you, ill have some fun of my own." He smriks.

Next thing I knew, I was getting cuts all over my body. After about two minutes he set the bloody knife down and picked up the gun. I was loosing blood thag everything around me was going black, my eyes were shutting so slowly. Next thing I know, someine barging in, I see my father pinned to the ground.  I hear voices, but I cant comprehend who's voices they are.. I heard the gun go off. No pain. Nothing. Did I get shot? Am I dead? Apprently not becasue I hear "MOLLIE!". Soon everything around me caved into darkness.

OMG! Im so sorry I havent updated in like forever! Sorry yall! I hope this is good :) if not than im sorry :( but I will be updating agian very soon. Ive just been so busy with school and everything else. But I have so many flippin reads on this story and its amazing! Thank you to everyone who has read the book. No, its now where near over. As of now atleast. Well I have to go clean ·_· gross. Bye yall!

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