Chapter 63: Court Day Part 2

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Mollie Pov:

I almost broke Louis hand when they brought my dad into the room. He's at a different table then I am, but hes only four seats away from me.

"Court is now in session." Judge Freddie said. "The first witness to the stand please."

I was the first witness to the stand. I assured Louis that I needed to go first to get it over with. Surprisingly I only cried at the end, Louis helped me back to my seat. The next witness was Kate.

Kate Pov:

The judge called my name, and I walked up to the stand, eyes looking straight in front of me as I walked passed Mollie's dad. I can't believe this is finally happening, after all the years of living in fear for Mollie and myself.

"Please state your name and relationship to Mollie Fife." Judge Freddie said.

"Kate Neal, and I'm her best friend."

"Ok Kate, do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?"

"I swear."

"You may continue."

So I told them everything, starting from when Mollie first told me about her abusive father to the last time she saw him. I cried at various points; telling the judge how much fear we had been living in. I could barely form words when I was talking about Mollie getting those threatening e-mails because I was so choked up. But by the end, I wasn't crying anymore. I was raving mad.

"This man." I said pointing at her father, her awful, awful father. "took a girl's childhood away. He made her doubt herself, feel sick, scared, and hurt. She deserves everything in this world. And he, he deserves nothing."

"Alright, thank you Kate." Judge Freddie said. ""Next witness."

Lauren Pov:

I was up next. After I swore to tell the truth, I started my story of how I met Mollie.

"I knew something was wrong from the beginning because she always had this fear in her eyes. After high school, Mollie and I went our separate ways. I am here in England for a job when her dad, no I'm sorry, when that monster took her. I was right outside of Nandos when I noticed a girl, Mollie, get shoved into a car by a man. By the time I got over there to help, the car had sped off. I spent the rest of my time helping them find her. When we finally found Mollie, she was just seconds away from being shot in the head with a handgun. Once I got the gun away from him, the police arrived and Mollie and Louis were rushed to the hospital." I finished.

"Now, you say Louis Tomlinson was rushed to the hospital? What happened to him?" The defense attorney asked.

"Louis ran into the room Mollie was being held in and tackled Jerry to the ground. When that happened, Jerry pulled the trigger, shooting Louis in the thigh."

"I see. Thank you."

"Next witness if you please." Judge said.

Louis Pov:

I was the last witness to go. Liam had just finished and I was next. I swore to tell nothing but the truth and told them my relationship with Mollie.

"I've know her dad was up to no good since fifth grade. That year Harry, Liam, Niall, and I got to go to the states as exchange students. Niall and I were in Mollies class and I sat next to her. Every day I would notice either a new bruise or a new cut. One day, I went to her house. When I went inside, I noticed the living area, along with the rest of the first floor, was trashed with empty beer bottles, broken glass, and etc. Mollie thought we were safe in her room, but we weren't. He came in and went straight passed me. He walked up to Mollie and slapped her so hard she hit the floor. After that, I don't remember what happened. All I knew was that Mollie was in trouble, but I couldn't help because we left for England. Just this past summer, Mollie and I reunited. At first I didn't know it was her until Niall told us. When I found out about the e-mails she was getting from her dad, I promised her that I wouldn't let anything happen to her. And I failed my promise." I said looking down. "When we found Mollie tied up and bloody, I knew I was given a second chance. I ran to her dad and knocked him to the floor. When I did that, her dad shot me in my thigh, but I didn't care. Because all I knew was that the girl I loved was alive. That moment I saw her, I knew it was my second chance to keep my promise." I turned towards the jury. "If any of you find this man not guilty of his crimes he has committed, then I pity your dark soul. This man has scared Mollie Fife since 2006. She was only six years old when he started to abuse her. No child should every have to go through that. Her childhood was robbed from her. Even as she grew, she had to be cautious everywhere she went, thinking he was watching her. This man deserves nothing but to rot in a cell. Should he die for what he did? No. Hes going to rot in a cell and think about how sad his life is. But should any of us pity this monster, no. He brought this upon himself. If any of you have a soul, look at my beautiful girlfriend, Mollie Fife. Even through all the shit he has put her through, she's still here. She fought her way here. Please, put this man behind bars for the rest of his miserable life and let Mollie no longer need to fight for her life anymore. She deserves nothing but happiness." I finished.

Everyone in the court room clapped after I was finished speaking and Mollie had tears in her eyes.

"Order! Order in my court!" Judge Freddie said. "Thank you Louis, that is all."

I nodded and went back to my seat. I held Mollie in my arms tightly.

"The court will now take a fifteen minute recess, then when we come back we will hear from Mr. Fife. The lawyers will ask questions if they wish to and then the jury will give us the verdict." Judge Freddie said and everyone was leaving the court room.

"Mollie, are you hungry?" I asked looking at her.

"First off." She kissed me quick. "Second off, if I do eat something I'll just throw it back up from my nerves."

I nodded my head and wrapped my arms around her waist and waited in line for the vending machine. Just because she didn't want anything doesn't meant I can't get some. I looked around and thanked god the paps couldn't get inside. I still had my arms around her while I punched the numbers in the key pad.

"Love, your shaking. Why are you scared?" I asked her as we sat down on a bench.

"What if he does something that'll make the jury find him guilty..?" She asked quietly.

"Mollie, the jury cannot find him guilty. Not with all the evidence we have against him." I smiled at her.

She didn't reply, but she did give me a small smile back. I knew I had helped a little. For the rest of recess, we spent it talking with the others. Well, Mollie was silent, I did all the talking.

"Court is now in session, please take your seats." Judge Freddie said.

Once everyone was seated, the police escorted her dad to the stand. Here's something odd, he never yelled, never tried to come after Mollie. He told his side of the story. Hes acting strange and I don't like it one bit. Once he was back at his seat, questions were getting asked. Each question that was asked was already answered when everyone told their sides, so I don't know why their were even asking. After an hour of questions, the jury is making the final decision. I glanced over at her dad to see what was going on with him and his lawyer. But to my surprise, they weren't talking. His lawyer was watching everyone. And her dad.. well he was just staring at Mollie and I. I held Mollie closer as one member of the jury stood up.

"We, the jury, have come up with a verdict." He said. "Jerry Fife is here found guilty of kidnapping, attempt murder of two people, and abuse. Your sentence is a life time in prison."

Everything else after that was a giant blur. I remember her dad getting taken away in handcuffs, Mollie becoming happier then I ever saw her, and kissing her like there's no tomorrow. Once the court was over, we all walked out. For once, Mollie had her head held high. I knew from that day on Mollie was going to be okay. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her close.

"You did it Mollie. Now your dad can never hurt you again. I'm so proud of you." I smiled at her, not caring if the paps saw or not. "I love you, Mollie."

"I love you  too, Louis." She said back to me and kissed me.

((the last chapter of the chase... it will be fully completed tomorrow!!! Then on to a new book!!! Please  tell me what you think about this chapter. Vote and comment ;) 

-Mollie Fife)    

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