Chapter 52: A Talk With The Girls

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Louis Pov:

So right now Im on the phone with kate and lauren and things aren't going good. Lauren says an amusment park but Kate sayd somewhere romantic.

"Kate, no romantic shit. Its to mushy gushy crap." Lauren said. "Amusement parks are fun and they can have a lot of fun together and goof off. "

"No. I mean they can, but Mollie doesn't like rollercoasters. Remember?" Kate said, I've tried to stop this bickering between the two, but its hopeless.

"And she doesn't like romantic crap either." Lauren fired back.

"What if we-" I got cut off.

"She'd rather have a romantic date then one that'll make her pass out!" Kate yelled.

"She'd rather have a fun date then do something romantic!" Lauren yelled back. 

"Why don't we just ask Louis? Louis, which idea is better? I mean, its obviously mine." Kate said.

"NO! Its mine! Tell her Louis!" Lauren said.

I was about to answer when they in annoyance and hung up.

"Well that didn't go as planned." I mumbled.

"What didn't go as planned?" Mollie asked as she jumped on the bed.

"Erm.. trying to figure out what to have for dinner." I lied and she giggled.

"Leave that to me." She winked and skipped out of the room.

Its been a couple of days since the little incident at Nandos. None of the lads have tried to help her remember anything since. I don't either, even though I want to. I know she is remembering a lot though, because I'll wake up in the middle of the night to find Mollie shaking or crying from her nightmare. Or she'll drag one of the lads somewhere she went over the summer before everything happened.

"NIALL! LIAM!" I yelled and they both came and found me.

"What did you do to my girl?!" They both shouted/

Well, news doesn't take long to travel. I took a deep breath and told them what happened.

"Kate is right, a romantic date would be nice and relaxing for Mollie." Niall said, agreeing with his girl.

"No! Lauren is right, going to an amusment park would be fun. They goof off and have fun with eachother." Liam was on Laurens side.

Great, so much for asking for help. Soon enough they were full on arguing with each other about which idea was better. Well now what am I suppose to of? I had to think of something quick. Wait! Ill just call Perry! Duh, hopefully shell help. I shoved Liam and Niall into Zayns room, hopefully he'll get those two to stop bickering before Mollie asks. I closed and locked the door, in case she walks in. Then I sat on the bed and called Perry.

"You've reached Perry Edwards, she is unable to come to the phone right now due to her bathroom issue. Care to leave a message?" Jade said.

"Jade! Give me me phone back!" I heard Perry yell in the back round.

"Hi Jade,  I need to talk to Perry, but I guess you'll do." I chuckled and heard her gasps.

"Fine. I see how it is Louis. No love for Jade. Leigh-Ann!" I heard the phone drop and Leigh-Ann "comforting" Jade.

"Hello, Louis!" Perry said. "What's up?"

"Hi Perry, let Jade know I love her." I chuckled again. "Anyways, I want to take Mollie on a date, but I'm not sure where to take her. I tried to talk to Kate and Lauren. but that ended up a complete bloody mess. They started to argue and now Liam and Niall have taken sides. So I've deiced to come to you." I told her.

"Nice to know I'm your last hope." She laughed. "Alright, well what where Kates and Laurens ideas?"

After I told her, we talked about how both were good ideas, but flaws in each. She kept sending idea after idea, but each one ended up being an awful idea. Same problem with my ideas. although mine were dumb to begin with.  She even got help from the other girls, but their ideas weren't' very good either.

"Wait!" Jesy yelled. "What were Kates and Laurens ideas again?"

"Lauren had an idea for an amusement park. And Kate had an idea for a romantic picnic in the park then serenade her afterwards. Why?" I asked her.

"Both are good ideas, separate, not good enough. But together perfect. Go to an amusement park, when you two get hungry, go into the ferris wheel and have dinner that way." She said.

"That sounds like a brilliant Idea! Thanks Jesy." I brought the lads in to discuss the plan. "Alright lads... and ladies, here's the plan.."

(Sorry guys, I had forgotten an entire page of this chapter. So I typed it in. Now here is the entire chapter! Yay! Have fun with this one. Hope yall liked it.  What do you think the plan is? Comment below!)


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