Chapter 35 : Rumors, threats and missunderstandings...

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Im Jae Na...

"Omma i am sorry but i won't see you before you leave for Busan... but you will come back in two weeks for my first stage right?"

I had a call from my mom worried not to see me before leaving back for Busan .

I spent the whole evening talking to Jr and avoiding JB's stare that I forgot to call her back...

Hearing my mom's voice was really reassuring and heart warming .

I kept talking to her till I heard foot steps and door closing in the corridor .

"Omma hold on please...."

I piped through the door half way opened.

JB was there looking everywhere for something ..

I panicked a bit then walked back to stand in front of the mirror hoping he would pass by without noticing my presence.

"No Omma I am good... I don't need anything .. I'll call you in the morning okay...."

The foot steps stopped and the place became silent.

I looked through the mirror...

He was looking at me discreetly ...

I pretended not to see him...

He continued and hid himself behind the door thinking I wasn't aware of his eavesdropping .

This was my chance...

"Omma... can I ask you something ..?"

I had to do it...just in case...

"Mom... is it possible to hate someone you thought you loved the point you can't stand looking at him....?"

I couldn't be more convincing ...

Even if my words were paining me... my only way to protect JB was to push him as far as possible from me.

Even if it meant to be mean... that's how much I loved him.

Few seconds after, Jr started calling me.

I stood back for a while before responding to him...

I came out and pretended to be surprised seeing JR and JB together ...

"Junior! Did you call me... huh....JB..." I said tying to look uncomfortable seeing JB.

"Can I talk to you for a moment?" He suddenly asked given me his hand...

My heart started beating so fast... the desire of holding on to it and the pain of pushing it back was all mix up in my body .

"Does it have something to do with the project .. because I started writing something that might interest you?" I said as cool as possible ...

"'s about ... "... I interrupting him before he could say anything useless .

"Then we have no reason to be talking to each other then..." ... I was harsh ... talking to him like that just made me a true monster.

"Don't you think you are being to much??" He said raising his voice...

Almost the same way he did at the amusement park .

"Hyung!" Jr called him and put his hand on JB shoulder .

"Hyung... you don't want us to fight tonight so keep it down..." Jr said...

"JB-ssi... let me tell you again... you are the leader of a promising idol band...i am pretty sure you will behave accordingly and won't let any personal issues disturb the growth of the members career ..."

Noona , let me say i love you "누나 사랑한다고..."(GOT7 Fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now