Chapter 19 : Don't fool me...

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"I love you..."

I clearly heard what Yong Guk said...

I clearly heard him but still jumped in the taxi without looking back...

I told the driver my destination then took my phone.

"I am sorry Oppa..."

I texted...

I then turned off my phone.

I wasn't in the state to understand what he just told me.

" Hi JaeNa-ssi. I am sorry to bother you, but can you keep an eye on Jae Bum? He has been really sick since yesterday. And he is alone right now"

Mark texted me...JB was sick...and I was sure it was my fault.

He heard those horrible things about my childhood...

"Please Ahjussi can you go a bit faster !" I asked the driver...

When he called me this morning, he sounded perfectly fine.

Even when I asked him to meet, he accepted without hesitation.

I arrived at the dorm in no time...but it was my first time here and I didn't really know my way.

I think it was on the 10th floor.

Instead of taking the elevator...I took the stars...

According to Na Young the door is on the left...

I was exhausted and instead of taking my breath back I pressed the door bell.

No one answered... I pressed again...

I then started panicking...I called Mark for the Secret pin code of the door.

As soon I as got it I went inside.

I was so in a hurry that I almost fell from the ocean of sneakers that where lying at this entrance.

"Jae Bum-a ..." I called timidly...

"Jae Na?" I heard from a room.

I then hurried to where it came from...

I opened the door, Jae Bum was sitting on his mattress...

His face first scared me...

He was looking grey and sweaty...His hair was messed up and his lips were super dry.

I wanted to take a step to him but...

"Jae Na-ya what are you doing here...We don't have to meet till 7 this evening. it already time.?" He said with no power in his voice.

"Imbecile!!! (You idiot! )" I said in french looking at his states.

I was so upset. Everyone was having fun outside while he was alone in that conditions.

I stepped to him and touched his burning head.

He was burning...

I stood up put down my bag and remove hat.

I also removed my heels...

I run to the bathroom took the first towel I saw . Took the first bowl I found.

I put in cold water...

"What are you doing?" ...

That stupid guy was standing behind me...

"What the heck are you doing here? Go and lay down. .now!" I said...

That kid was driving me crazy...

Noona , let me say i love you "누나 사랑한다고..."(GOT7 Fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now