Chapter : 25 Missed Chances...

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Voicemail message :

" I haven't heard from you...did you find the phone...

I told him I lost it already... I want to stop now...I want to forget about him...
I need to move on....and I think you should to..



"Why would you act like that...I have feelings for someone already...I can't accept you..."

"Wait really... Who are you?" He asked again!

I was truly touched by his actions... why would he pretend not to know me..that was so childish and it was getting me upset more than anything else.

"Alright what ever just do as you wish..." I said and left him at the door.

I went to the my room.

I walked around and around...

Why should I feel concerned about it. He was the one who kissed me.

I started fidgeting...and Na Young wasn't coming down either...

I stayed in the room for few minutes till she stopped her music.

I quickly came out and waited for her at the staircase...

"Na Young-a I need to tell you something. .." I was going to tell her what happened at the ice scream shop.

She was getting down the stairs when she suddenly stopped.

"Oppa!! Oppa!! I thought you where in still traveling !" She said...

Was she gone crazy....

Yong Guk Oppa was standing behind me...

She quickly jumped into his arms.

"What are you I asleep or what!" I said out loud.

At the same moment the bip of the digital code door could be heard.

I immediately thought about my uncle.

But when the main door opened, I definitely knew I was dreaming...

Yong Guk who was standing next to me with Na Young in his arms was also standing at the main door.

He walked next to his other him...

I though, I was going to wake up...

"You are back?" He said putting his hand on the other him's shoulder...

"That kiss is getting me crazy!" I said out loud in disbelief.

Everyone looked at me at the same time.

"Unni what are you talking about?" Na young asked...

"I think I am being punished ...I kissed Yong Guk earlier...and now I am seeing him in double" I said with my heart pounding.

"First of all! WHAT? WHY WOULD YOU KISS HIM? And second....Unni I am sorry but sometimes you really look retarded..." she spilled out.

"What?? This is not the moment " I said looking angry.

"Ooh Jae Na!!! I remember you!!! I am so sorry I thought you were in Paris! " the second Yong Guk said.

For some reason that guy looked more friendly and looking at him didn't make me uncomfortable.

" It's me Yong Nam...Bang Yong Nam.. BIG's twin brother... " ...

"Twin brother...." I whispered...

Noona , let me say i love you "누나 사랑한다고..."(GOT7 Fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now