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Rick Adam's words are law. Despite my several excuses and refusal, he forced me to sit in his car and join him on his city drive. He doesn't even bother to wear the seat belt, his eyes are cast on a road as he drives with one hand on the steering wheel and his elbow resting against the window edge. I fight to avert my eyes from him, but it feels like I couldn't control my own body. I can still feel his soft, warm kiss lingering on my cheek, spreading warmth through my body like ripples on water and all I want is to feel those lips on me once again.

"You keep watching me this way and then claim that you hate me" His voice is like a slap on my face. Quickly, I forced my eyes off him and look out of the window.

"Sometimes I really wish I could read your mind" The deep intense voice summon me towards him and my eyes locked with his, watching me with an expression I couldn't read, he continued "and you could read mine," he said in a low husky voice, his eyes burning into mine, I shivered and shifted uncomfortably on my seat and my face getting hot as my cheeks flushed. Thank God, he directs his gaze on the road but his knuckles bloom ghastly white as his grip on the steering wheel tightens, suddenly he seems very angry, what's wrong with him?

Rick drove in silence, and I have a feeling that he is still disconcerted. Finally, he stopped the car near the shop. Shopping time!

"Go and find something nice for yourself" I don't like him ordering me.

"I told you, I am not in a mood for shopping" his heated gaze stops on me, threatening to argue further.

"Jen" the way he says my name, it sounds beautiful

"Fine" I want to cut the intimacy, I couldn't think rationally around Rick, especially after this morning.

I chose a few dresses, not fancy ones, I forgot to shop without checking the price tags, who would have thought Jenifer Milano will see this day.. However, I enjoy spending my money, earned with hard work, and now this Rick Adam decided to do charity for me.

"that's it?" his sudden presence startled me.

"I thought you would be waiting in a car"

"Why don't you try that one?" Avoiding my comment, he pointed over a summer yellow dress on a mannequin wearing a white hat. That's beautiful and pricey.

"I don't like it" I lied.

"But I love it, this reminds me of someone" My heart froze when he looks at me with affection. He smiles sweetly while his finger touches the tip of my nose adoringly, "Only mask is missing"

I closed my eyes as I realized what he is talking about. Our first meeting, I almost erased all memories of him, buried deep in the tomb of Jenifer Milano, this Jenifer Davis should not be affected, yet I moved to that moment, the most memorable day. I collided with the beautiful man, his deep dimple stole my heart and make me flutter, I laughed like never before, and my first real kiss. All memories flashed before me like a movie, a beautiful love story, a girl who fell crazily in love, living her own fairy tale and writing her own happily ever after...I felt a smile curve my lips until the horrific memories came back...his betrayal, lies, heartbreak and blood.

I open my eyes with a jolt and find him staring at me with a longing that made me ache, his eyes are on my lips and I could hear our heartbeats, everything disappeared at this moment. A soft sigh escaped my lips "That someone is dead," I could see the impact of my words on him, his eyes shadowed with sadness, it is so black and distinctive that anyone could have seen through his affliction with just one glance. He said nothing, a solemn nod is all he could offer.

Since when I became this heartless woman, instead of feeling sorry, I feel good to see him in this stance. Because, he deserves it, all pain and hurt, he made me this and I can only offer him pain and bitterness.

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