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Jen hardly taste her food, her face crimson with the embarrassment. Unaware of the entire situation, Jenny gets social with the biker's wife and the bunch of the group. Jenny smirks at me from there, displaying her charming self which says she doesn't need any help of mine, as if she knows nobody can dare to make any move on her unless they are looking for a fight. I glance away from her, stupid girl. After having a good long chat, Jenny returns to our table.

"They are such a nice gentlemen, unlike others" she eyed me distastefully.

"Good, now have your food. We are late already" I cut her curtly which earned me her dirty glare.

"I think I heard you outside the restroom" Jenny ask pointing her fork on Jen, Jen's colour scotched her cheek, she looks little uncomfortable and then I decide to intervene.

"I ask you to eat your food silently" I commanded with serious face.

"Yes headmaster" she mockingly rolled her eyes on me, I shook my head, little brute.

After the lunch, I ask the waitress for the bill, Jen excused herself and headed to restroom. I check her direction, keeping my eyes on those bikers, especially that wanker who is checking her out openly. One move from him and he is dead, I grip my hand into fist.

"Hey man, loosen up, she won't fly out of the restroom" Jenny pat on my shoulder and mischievously smile looking at me.

"Mind your own business and keep you nosy nose on your own life" She put a big frown on her face.

"My "nosy nose" huh?" she repeat the words in annoyance, I was about to retort but stop in midway watching Jen coming out of the restroom, she pass by the table of the bunch. Few bikers murmur something into each other's ear, Jen also notice them and looks uncomfortable when they share a laugh. Bastards, I get up from my seat after paying the bill, Jen reach to us looking down.

While we are living out of the restaurant I hear someone whistle, Jen is about to turn her head but I block her view. Her confuse eyes meet my angry ones, there is great deal of mix emotion passing between us and she knows the drill. She tucks her hair behind her ear nervously and return her gaze to the exit door. On the other side, Jenny waves her hands to bunch in a friendly manner without minding the whistle. I furrow my brow at her, Jenny is screwing my head.

"Said your goodbye, can we leave now" I tartly ask her and she flash a victorious smile, I am sure she is purposely doing this to rile up my mood.

"Yes, c'mon move fast" She walks ahead shrugging her shoulders like I am the one who is delaying, I inhale a frustrate sigh. Finally, we all hop onto the car for heading to the lonely roads. Jenny plays the song and Jen bury herself in the file. Jen used to be as lively as Jenny, she used to enjoy songs in a long drive and sing along with her own song, a tight smile curve on my lips. I miss those days when we were not awkwardly silent around each other. Not even when she found the truth, she used to fight me but never gave me a silent treatment in this way, I look back at her through the rear view mirror and she catches my eyes but quickly return her gaze on the book. It breaks my heart seeing her isolate me from her life, it give me another reason to hate her dad, who is the sole reason for it.

At last, we reach to our destination. Once we approach to the reception, we found there are only two rooms booked in our names and sadly they also don't have any spare room as this is alone hotel in this entire town. The reaction of these two girls is laughable, their affection for each other is quite visible to the world and now they are stuck together in a one room for weeks.

"I am not going to share this room with you." Jenny complained.

"I don't want this either" Jen also said in her lower voice.

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