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"Jennifer, this is the quotation you asked for?" I frown when I heard a voice of Stephny, clutching my pen to control my annoyance, I look at her sharply.

"How many times do I need to remind you Stephny, do not interject when I am working." Stephny seems taken aback with my rudeness, yet she manage polite smile on her face.

"I am sorry but you asked me to report you the quotation of..."

"Yes that was pretty one long hour ago, do you think I have all the time to wait for your report?" I cut her in between while putting my hand on the table with pointed look, I continue with coldness "You better concentrate on your work if you want to continue in Karen, we have more talented people out there who values time" The color drain from her face, good next time she better be fast at her work.

"A very good morning to you girls" Mrs. Karen announce her presence in loud professional voice.

"Stephny dear, can I have a moment with Jennifer" Mrs. Karen addressed Stephny sweetly, girl smile gently.

"Sure ma'am, it won't happen again, I am sorry Jennifer for the delay" before I could reply, Mrs Karen answered on my behalf.

"All cool Stephny, here Jenifer knows you are most talented girl in Karen, isn't it doll?" Not interested in the conversation, I just turn my gaze to my laptop assessing my new project while waiting for one more lecture of Mrs Karen on my attitude.

"Gosh, you could have given heart attack to poor Stephny" Folding her arms she raised her brow at me, not at all looking amused.

"Mrs. Karen, if you don't like my way of working, you can fire me anytime" Scowling to my direction, she sighed.

"Looking into your eyes is like looking straight into the pit of hell, sometimes I wonder how could be such angelic face has such a sharpen tongue like a knife" if I would have not in rotten mood, I could have laugh on her remarks. She is too funny.

"Thank you for a compliment Mrs. Karen"

"Doll, what on earth has gotten into you? You became more vicious and rude to the world since your last project" And that was enough for the day to me.

"Mrs. Karen" I hold my breath before I could do a serious damage to our relation, because I way too much respect her.

"Our project was not a total failure, accident happens." Her voice turns soft, caressing my cheeks she flash a gentle smile.

"We should be grateful to Ryan that he paid decent payment to us, even though his project didn't succeed as expected." The project reminded me of him, how could I explain Mrs. Karen, nothing good came out of our last project, offcource except the decent payment to our company.

"Can we stop talking about our last project, it's been a month Mrs. Karen, lets get over it" I swallow a dry lump in my throat and slowly got up.

"Yes, lets get over it doll" she challenge me to follow my own words, and hell if she is wrong.

The problem is my heart doesn't know how to get over Rick? He was on a hospital bed when I last met, I gulp down the painful knotblocking my throat. Seeing Mrs. Adam was the clear reminder of the reason why we parted our ways. I still remember, how badly I got affected with her presence and then the blood of Rick's in my hand caused me a severe panic attack, thank God Daniel was there to help me out. After Rick, Daniel witnessed the sight of my vulnerability. Embarrassed, hurt and confused, I run away from him. I couldn't sleep in the night thinking of him, our last interaction and how could I forget our intimate kiss. This agitate me how he still have a great hold on me, I restrain myself to have any contact with him and to my surprise he didn't try to contact me either.

His Intense LoveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ