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I stare her transfix, unsure what to do, I can feel her body trembling, the terrible weight of her despair. Her hair hanging to hide her face, her teeth clench to prevent her from crying out. Her tears are truly my undoing because I know she has pride and she would never cry infront of me, I admire her for that but it seems she couldn't take the pain anymore and I panicked. I gently sweep her into my arms to put her in comfortable couch to rest. The warmth of her body pressing against me, fitting perfectly in my arms as if she belongs there and only there and yes she damn belongs here with me. The aroma of her perfume and the feel of her embrace making me content, unwillingly I put her on the couch but I'm taken aback when she burst into more tears. I don't know what to do, I quickly dial the number of doctor but Jen refused to see the doctor. I tried to convince her, yet being stubborn she dejected the idea throwing her bitter words on me which agitate me.

"Not enough that I can't bear it" Her words slam against me like a punch to the gut, her words hurt but worse than that, it's seeing the genuine pain on her face. I decide not to fight and started massaging her feet gently to lessen the pain but she shoves my hands away like I disgust her. And I lose my all power to control my temper, I can take anything but her rejection, that makes me to lose my head.

"Shhh" I put my finger over Jen's lips to shut her up, this rebellious girl doesn't know when to stop, does she know she is playing with fire? Calm down Rick, you don't want to hurt her when she is already in pain. I shift my gaze on her feet, surprising myself I bend down on her feet and kiss her wounded feet. Why I always hurt her with my action and words? I don't mean to, but I end up doing so. The guilty tears escape from eyes, wetting her feet.

"Rick" her voice crack in surprise, she lifts my head to look into my eyes and she is almost on the verge of crying too.

"It always end this way, me hurting you" I pause for a moment, taking a deep sigh, it take everything in me not to sob loud "You know you are right, you are better off without me" this is true, we both have tainted past and that will always stay raw between us. If miracle happens and we end up together by any chance, the shadows of our past always haunt our relationship and make both of us miserable. She looks like broken glass, I don't want to hurt her anymore than I already have. She didn't deserve it then, and she doesn't deserve it now but the selfish me who can't sit back and let her go.

"But you don't know one thing, I'm selfish stubborn bastard. I can't leave you alone" she gasp on my words, her eyes wide with fear on my sudden change of the tone.

"Because if it's not you than I don't have any other reason to live for" I couldn't resist the urge of kissing those quivering lips, I've waited enough to claim what's mine. Ms. Jennifer Davis, you are mine and one day you will be mine again willingly that's a promise. I kiss softly on her lips to seal the vow, she is in the shock to react which give me an opportunity to kiss her little longer until she react violently.

As anticipated, she abruptly push me away after coming out of her initial shock and slap me flat across my face, her eyes blaze white hot.

"Don't you dare to touch me, I'm not that dumb girl anymore with whom you can easily have your way Mr. Rick Adam. I won't hesitate to sue you for this." the anger flare in her, despite of feeling angry I stare her with smirk, there is silence in the room as we stare each other's eyes from point blank range. Fuck, what the hell just happened, I should have control myself but her rejection taking a toll on me. If I will force myself on her, she would hate me more. I rub my jaw in frustration and turn back.

"Look I'm sorry, I just carried away in the moment" I said looking back into her fiery eyes.

"Carried away, this is the best reason you come up with for kissing me, stop playing your games Rick" She spit back at him, she eye me resentfully which twitch my heart.

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