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Rick wants baby, our baby... My mind went blank. A baby in my womb... my breath hitches in my throat as I recall the time when I had one inside me, Rick's baby... an infant which survived a few months within me, the baby I.... my heart stung in my chest, beat on the beat.

Rick places his hands on either side of my face gently, his kisses are soft like a feather, I could feel his intense gaze on me, his eyes looking deep into me, as if he is drinking from my soul. And my numb body couldn't move, couldn't feel his kisses, lost in the trance. My body shivers as goose pimple-covered the surface of my skin while Rick put his hand on my stomach, caressing there with affection as if he is trying to feel our nonexistent baby. His mere action forced me to back in those days, when I actually craved for his presence, wanting the moment like this with our baby. BABY? Panic arises in me, my vision struggle with tears, I tried to shove Rick away from me to have control over my breath, but he doesn't buzz.

"Baby?" I ask in a shaky voice, still a bit dumbstruck. Rick scrapes his bottom teeth against his top lip as if trying to bite back the emotions threatening to spill over, then his face hardens as he nods his head. I look back at him furrowing my brow, trying to comprehend what he meant. With disbelief, I breathe out and started laughing bitterly. Rick throw his sharp look at me, though I tried hard to resist it my tears glisten in my eyes from anger.

"I don't find any humor in this, Jen" he said stiffly.

"You don't know what you're talking Rick, how could you think of it. If I wanted to have your baby, I would have kept it a year back. Reality check Rick, not then" I pointed my finger on his chest "And definitely not now, not ever, do you hear me" I shout at the top of my lung, frustrated.

"Oh Jen, you will" he says, smiling at his own joke. It aggravated me further, not able to control my anger, I pounced back at him with hurtful words.

"I killed that baby, knowing it yours. Because I couldn't bear to have the baby of the person who took everything from me. My family, my sanity, my heart, my soul... everything, it caused my heart to grow bitter and bitter. What makes you think that I would ever agree on this, huh?" His grip loosens on me, he took a step back remotely. I could see he is reeling from the impact of my words, he leaned his head back and closed his eyes and tried to solemn by putting emotion on line.

"I never thought you could ever hate me, but its's evident how wrong I was." When he opened his eyes, I could feel the deep sadness, I could feel his anguish in them. He gulped a deep sigh and continues.

"As we both have discovered this, let's move on to the main agenda of our meet Ms. Davis." His eyes blaze in rage, reproachable expression.

"No, my answer is no Mr. Adam" I recoiled, my heart stop in my chest as he smiles evilly.

"Your sister would happily oblige to be part of it" my heart lurched at his words and I felt immense pain rises in me, but I have to squash it down. This is not the time of showing your weakness, it is a time to be strong.

"You figured wrong, Scarlet will never agree on this after what happened that day" I sternly replied.

"Scarlet blames you for the death of David, not me. And for your information, I met Scarlet when I was in the hospital" This news actually stunned me, Rick met Scarlet. He smirks looking at me off-guarded.

"If not you, Scarlet will comply Ms. Davis" He gives me a smug wink, he knows that I will not allow him to play with Scarlet's life again, how could he be so heartless and cruel, I thought to myself.

"If you need your own kid, you can have it with any other girl, why forcing on us," I asked him dreadful.

"Because their family haven't took a part in killing my family, my blood but you have" He retorts back with full of vengeance.

His Intense LoveWhere stories live. Discover now