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As I think about last night, I start to get severe headache. Besides, there's no way I'm going to sleep, and I'm anxious about my text to Daniel, I admit it was stupid move from my end. I throw on tee and jeans, tying my hair up, not an impressive way to go out but in attempt to clear my mind I walk out of my room for fresh air. I wander about, taking in the sights for hours, until I'd exhausted myself and finally ready to go back in my room.

When I finally swiped the key card into the door's slot and enter in my room, I flabbergasted to see Jenny sitting on the floor at the corner, sobbing uncontrollably putting her head between her knees. I quickly run to her.

"What happened Ms. Watson?" I ask slowly, uncertain of what to do? She doesn't response, feeling her shoulders heave and listening to her deep sobs, I feel tears prick into my eyes.

"Jenny what's happened? please tell me!" I kneel down beside her, stroking her hair and struggling to find words of comfort, I couldn't help myself and wrap my arms around her shoulder but Instead of stopping, she sobs even harder leaning into me.

"Shhh...everything will be alright." She is shaking badly. "You've got to tell me what happened, else how could I help you?" She slowly tilts her head to me, and I lost for words. She looks so vulnerable at this moment, something seems to break inside her. She is struggling to hold her tears back so she could talk but failed miserably.

"Fine, we don't need to talk right now, just get up and have some rest on your bed." She remain motionless, staring blankly ahead of me, not giving me any sign that she'd heard me. Huge tears beginning to well up and spill down her cheeks, Oh...poor thing. I put both arms around her and lift her up, her entire body sag lifeless and convulse with sobs. Something awful might have happened to her which has broken her, otherwise she is very strong headed girl. Looking her lost and vulnerable, I feel nostalgic as I find myself in her.

I tuck her into bed and sit beside her for a while to make sure she sleep peacefully, and thank god her hiccups turn into her soft snore. Taking a deep breath, I watch Jenny sleeping innocently like a baby, I wipe her tear strains from her cheek and kiss her on head. She behaves sometime bitchily to me but I know she is nice soul and I like her confidence, I actually admire her fire which lacking in me.

I change into one of my old long tee, feeling too lazy to wear anything else while I flop onto my sofa and immediately sleep welcomes me. I keep hearing soft moan in my sleep, I want to open my eyes but my body is too exhausted to do so. A thought buzz in my head, it could be Jenny, and my eyes shot open and staggering to my feet I reach to her bed. She has a high fever, she is burning up and pretty sick right now. Jesus, what to do now? I call her name few times but she is not responding and I freeze on my spot. My complete body freeze, I try to make her drink water but she is foaming heavily out of her mouth, she could not consume the water. What should I do?

Hurriedly, I got out of the bed and look for help from the person, with whom I never wanted any favor but unfortunately he is only the option. Impatiently I start knocking on the door, why it is taking him so long? My heart beats stuck in my chest, what if he is with someone in his room...

My face turn reddish when Rick open the door flaunting his bare chest in his track pant, looking exceptional in his tousle hair but his half sleepy blue eyes are fill with annoyance. He blinks his eyes off for few seconds like he does not believe it's me, his sleepy blue eyes flutter open when finally he realise it's me and the concern flash across his face.

"Jen?" he looks at me in confusion. Before I could reply, someone whistle and we both turn our head to the direction, a drunken guy wink at us, giving me a lustful stare.

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