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I look around to the people who are laughing, dancing with their companion, few are madly in love or few are just looking for one nightstand, in both way they are happy not alone, they are not invisible like me in this loud crowd. This is not new to me, whole life I kept distance from the people, not wanted to have any emotional connection as I had my own battle to fight, until Jen. I stifled a sigh, almost lose my breath. I find lump lodges itself in my throat, and my soul ripped away from my body recollecting her venomous words. I want to forget this unbearable pain which is making hole in my heart, however the quantity of alcohol I have consumed doesn't helping me at all. I hate the feeling of being less than one hundred percent in the control, I became fragile and I disgusted with myself for it.

I took the large gulp of drink quickly, enjoying the burn of alcohol running down my throat. I wiped my mouth, I glanced over the cocaine, last time I almost died with the overdose of drugs, the day I saw Jen in the Richard's for the first time, I thought I would never need this shit again. How stupid I was, she has moved on, you were fool to assume you had any chance with her. I caressed the drugs, don't think Rick, take it. This will help you to escape this burning pain, take it.

I put the drugs in paper and rolled it properly, I inhaled it deeply like a cigarette. Again taking a large dose, I am feeling fine now though I am tired, feeling dizzy and I feel lot of pressure in my eyes. A bitter smile curved on my lips, the music flooded everywhere, everybody is grinding themselves with other.

"Having fun alone?" A sexy voice invade my privacy, my blurry eyes slowly drifted to the voice, a beautiful brunette standing before me.

"What do you want?" I hastily roared, she flashed disturbingly seductive smile, then I actually observed her. She is wearing strapless dress which fit her body like a glove, it came to her mid-thigh showing her sexy long legs, and her killer heels are to die for. She moves to sit at my left.

"Can I join you handsome?" she is beautiful meat of piece, but her face is hard and ugly with the lust. She rub her hand intimately on my thigh, licking her red lips. Maybe this is what you want Rick, it's been a while since I had some female company. When I didn't oppose her advances, her face light up and her hands moved​ upwards shamelessly. A desire erupted inside me, no Rick you are not in your senses. I clenched my jaw and glared at her, I was about to shove her away from me, my phone ringed.

"Hello" I answered without checking my phone.

"Where are you bro?" it's from Daniel, so he finally got the time to check on me.

"How did you get time for me, I thought you are busy with your lady love" those words were bitter on my mouth, I hate it.

"Rick, its not what you are thinking. Common, tell me where are you?" I felt like crying, I love this man, he is my bro but he is my greatest competitor too. He is the best, a dream man for every girl, a perfect match for Jen, I always knew one day I will lose her to him and I think it's happening.

"I am in better place, enjoying, hav...having a party of my life, you know why? I am free man again" I smiled and tried to sound excited.

"You can join me if you want, the night is still young." Secretly I want him to be with me, rather than sitting here alone.

"I..actually.." he sounds uncomfortable, he hesistate, it means.. it means he is still with her, this late. A pinch of jealousy flicks my chest.

"You are with Jen, isn't it" I asked even I knew the answer.

"Rick, she is ..." I grip my hand into fist, I saw all red before my eyes.

"Don't bother, she means nothing to me now. Have fun" with this I disconnected the call, my phone buzzed again, in my anger I switched off the phone. The brunette frightened, her face paled, she got up from seat to move away from me but I grab her arms and drag her with me in a private lounge. Once I entered the room, I pinned her to the wall, I brushed her long and attractive brunette hair and crashed my lips on her. If Jen can enjoy her life than why should I cede myself for her, I never touched​ any women after Jen because I don't want to forget her touch, her kisses, her body beneath me, the moment was pure heaven which I don't want to share with anybody, only with her. Stop it, don't think about her, if you will have another girl than may be your pain will fade away Rick.

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