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My eyes are glued to the file in my hand, flipping through pages I access every minor detail to ensure there is no loopholes, my lawyer assured me though. A satisfactory smile appears on my face seeing how badly we have trapped Karen, no way they can challenge us, they are screwed.

Ms. Jeniffer Milano, I know this will hit you where it hurts, Mrs. Karen means so much for you than you let the people know. I have seen the affection and love in your eyes for her, and I am sure you won't let this happen, what I have planned for her business, however that's not my original plan for you.

The intercom buzzed and before I could answer the call, I heard a loud bang come from my inner office. The door swung open, thinking of devil and devil is right here in front of my eyes, she is standing on my door, looking very menacingly. I am so stunned with this brown eye beauty that I didn't notice my breathless secretary running behind her.

"I am sorry Mr. Adam, I tried to stop her" My secretary's voice startle me, I found my composure, I clutch my hand and the cold anger rushed into me.

"Where is your mannerism Ms. Davis?"

"What the hell is this?" Avoiding my taunt, she bellowed as an entire legal file flew through air, landing just a few feet in front of me. I got up and took back a step from the mess.

"Si...Sir, do you want me to call our guard?" Stupid, I shot the ugly look at her.

"Get out" the timid secretary nods her head and left the room hesitantly.

Then I turn my angry glare back on Ms. Davis, even her brown eyes blazing with fire.

"What do you think they are? A love letter.." Sarcastically I smirk at her, she stalks towards me, determination in her every step, looking sexy as hell too.

"Fuck you" oh my sweet Jen is swearing, not a good move. I study her face, memorize every little detail of her feature, I have missed her...yes in past few weeks I did nothing but missed her, missed her to the death, but hate her at the same time. So damn much.

"So desperate to fuck me Ms. Davis, maybe that's your plan to change my mind, isn't that your old tactics to divert my mind" I gritted my teeth an anger and bite the words out, my fingers curling against my palm, my blood running so hot. My words hurt her, I can see the pain in her eyes.

"What, truth hurts, right?" Jen swallow hard and shook her head in disappointment.

"I was wrong, I was so wrong that I thought you are a changed man" her voice struggle to stay strong and steady, she continued "You can never change, you will always be the monster that ruin everybody's life"

"Yes I am the same Rick Adam...At least I am not a fake person, and I don't use the fake name" she gasps, her eyes are wide, she can't stop shaking her head.

"Davis is my mom's last name, I took it with honor" this information surprised me, but it doesn't change my rage towards her.

"Sure, you did it to hide from the media, as you are on your hiatus" I feel like I'm about to burst into flames. She scowls at me and I enjoy her discomfort.

"Rick, this is between me and you, why you are involving Mrs. Karen into this, she has nothing to do with our past" She tried to put reason with me, can't she understand that I have gone too far not to return.

"But she has everything to do with your present." Her eyes sadden.

"Just because I am working with her, you will destroy her business, Rick Karen is not just a business to her" Aghast, she'd nearly cried the words aloud.

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