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It's been getting harder to restrain my growing feelings for Rick, he has changed his game, making difficult to hate him while the roles are reversed. Yes, I'm aware that I'm being too rude and crude to Rick, but there is no other way to avoid this feelings which has developed in me for Rick or should I say it has always been there, never faded, I tried so hard though. I groaned and lowered my head into my hands. I kept at the task of building a wall around my heart but the light in his eyes told me he has hopes our forced proximity would let him break down my defenses. No I won't allow myself to get trap again into his sick game, my love for him only gave me loneliness, emptiness and regrets. Let's go, Shaking my head, I opened the door of my car without looking back to Rick.

While adjusting my seat in the car, my gaze drifted to the passenger side rear view mirror and something caught my attention, few men talking to each other strangely, like they are conspiring something. I am sure they are not the helpers as I knew everyone personally who are associated to the event then why these people dressed in helper's uniform? Suddenly after exchanging final determine looks they walk towards the Hotel.

I thought to call Ryan or Rick to warn them but at the same time I felt may be I am overthinking over it and this could ruin the party. Although I couldn't resist the urge to confirm what these guys are upto, so without thinking I followed them. I watched them easily passing through the crowd, this is such a failure at my part, how did I not work on the security part? Making a mental note of this for future projects, I followed them until they stop on the second floor. One of the men muffled, this floor is easy to target us, its empty and according to instruction nobody will get hurts. What does it that supposed to mean? I thought to myself but as I glance back to them, my eyes dilated and fear run through me, witnessing the wiring looking things...

They starts fixing that on the elevator, I couldn't hold my gasp once I realized what it is and my stupidest move draw their attention on me, one of them turn his head back but thankfully on time I hid behind the lobby door.

"Fuck, somebody is watching us, go find it before we get caught red handed." I heard someone yelling. Holding my breath, I stand still thinking a way to get out without getting noticed by them which is impossible task. Jesus, what to do now? Think Jen, the guy is coming to catch you. I heard someone clicking on the elevator and it takes no brainer to think that I am trapped even if I use the stairs. Before the guy could reach to lobby door, I closed it on his face. I have only few minutes to think about my next move, and swallowing the lump in the throat, I dialled the first number that came into my mind, tensing as it rang two times. My stars are not working in my favour.

"Open the damn door if you don't want to get hurt" The guy banged on the door while threatening me at the same time. A trickle of sweat tickles the small of my back and I shiver with the terror. Clutching my chest I said my prayer, I felt like this is my last moment and soon I am going to be murdered by the hand of these guys.

"Jen, what happened?" Rick's voice brings hope into my life.

Holding the phone tight, I mumble his name "Rick" I gasp once again with continuous banging from outside the door.

"You are scaring me Jen, where are you? What are those noises?" I could hear his desperation and fear, he could easily get the situation without even a proper explanation.

"They are going to blast this hotel, I saw them putting the bomb in the elevator, I am trapped...we are going to die Rick" I couldn't hold my tears, i never thought my life will end this way and Rick would be the last person whom I talked to.

"Don't say that, where are you? I am not going to let anything happen to you. I am coming Jen" A sad smile curl my lips half of disappointment and half of regrets. I wanted him to stop as I don't want his life to be in danger and I wanted to say so many things before I die but only the problem is that I didn't realise that one of the guy reached to me until he snatched the phone from me, a second later I felt a hard slap on my left cheek, strong enough to snap my head back. The whole left side of my face throbbed, bringing involuntary tears to my face. With the impact of force, my heel tripped and I fell on the floor.

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