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I wake up to the knock at a door, my eyes are still heavy with sleep. I frown while literally squeezing my eyes shut, pulling my cover over my head. Gosh, I am sleep deprived, this happens when you do share a bed with a monster. And what an irony, he sleeps peacefully beside me and I was all thinking about how weird the entire situation is...Rick.. his name is enough to rob my sleep away, where is he? I couldn't feel his warmth, damn Jen you really need sleep. What I would give for a cup of hot strong coffee right now!

"Coffee" And my wish come true, his manly voice and the fragrance of coffee is very enticing. Awkwardly, I slipped from the bed to freshen up, without looking at him. When I walked out of the bathroom, his blue eyes caught mine, his eyes studying me and boring into me. I couldn't dare to avert my eyes from him, his eyes hold unreadable emotions and his intensity making me shrink away from him. In a brief of seconds, a million things passing away between us, from the day we met to the day we got a part, and I feel squeezing of my heart. His Revenge has made my heart bleed eternally, my love for him is now broken and hurt. Clenching my hands into a tight fist, I tear my gaze away from his and grab my cup of coffee.

I could feel torturing tension between us, I keep focusing on my coffee, yet my mind is alert around Rick. He is still standing at the same place, not moving, it seems that brief of the moment has shaken him as well.

"Thanks for the coffee" I had to kill this silence, it's killing me. Rick said nothing in response, holding my coffee mug tight, I tried to compose myself. It is more harder than I assumed, its like going on the same road, the heartbreaks, hurt and losing yourself. I can't breathe in the same room with Rick, he is my tormentor and still has the ability to torment my soul. This is so wrong, and I can't go through with it.

"Look" I blurt, moving a cup away from me, I turn around to Rick. His blue eyes turned glacial.

"Backing away already" His voice carried a smug undertone.

"What?" I snapped, in return, he smiles mockingly.

"That's what you do, always a runner" his words, yes it hurts, but it almost always pains I can ignore and keep moving. Yet, I couldn't control the rage that started boiling within me.

"Any problem, instead of facing you choose to run, what best I could expect from the runner, I knew you would run but not this early" his eyes snapped at me with the anger and suppressed emotion.

"That's not true" I cried shrilly, do I? Shut up, you are stronger than this, keeping my head up, I look straight into his eyes with a poker face "Never mind, your judgment doesn't matter to me and I don't owe you any explanation, you are nothing to me" Rick look lost for the word, his rage is gone, and he looks exhausted.

"You Mr. Rick Adam is just a manipulator, who wants a baby from me in exchange for my freedom, a freedom from you. Trust me, I would do anything to get rid of you, if it means to bore your kid for a few months then be it." Rick recoiled as though I had struck him. The muscles of his face tightened, and he stares at me with a calm, frosty rage.

"Glad to know we are on the same page." Huh? I couldn't hide the surprise on my face over his words, this only made him smirks at me with victorious smug.

"Now, can you just get ready. We need to leave" I just nodded on his words, don't know what else to do. I took the quick shower, relishing the moment away from him. I still have the gown of yesterday, yuck but no choice.

"I know you look beautiful in this dress, but it doesn't mean you have to wear this all the time" I was well locked in the shower, his presence makes me cringe in the disgust.

His Intense LoveWhere stories live. Discover now