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We drove hotel in complete silence, locked in our own thoughts, sadness engulfed us, we can't even have a single night sneaking away from our past. Whenever I think I'm making progress to her heart, she becomes more rigid and distant, thanks to our too many bad memories of past. She seems lost in her thoughts, locked in faraway distant trance. She remains that way until we pull up in front of our hotel porch. She quickly dash out of the car and into the hotel.

I remain in the car, here I could breathe that sigh which her presence restrain, shed those tears which her presence forbade to flow. I can't be with her in this mind frame, I am broken man and she doesn't need to see this sight of me. So I decide to hit the bar to forget this draining ache of my heart.

Two bottles down, still I can't forget this numbness of my heart. It craves for her, my heart is begging to go back to her room and feel her soothing closeness but my mind refrain me as it knows that we need a space.

I took another large gulp from the bottle, l could hear my phone ringing, but it would have to wait. I am not in a mood to entertain anybody right now. I almost groan in frustration when my phone starts ringing one more time. It feels my heart freeze in the chest watching Jen's name pop up on the screen. Is she in any trouble?

Without wasting a moment I pick the call.

"Are you ok?" I freaked out.

"Yes" Uncertainly she replied, I take breath of relief.

"You called?" I blurt, I shook my head on my stupidity.

"Yeah, umm.... You didn't come to the room, so I thought what's taking you long?" hesitantly she ask, I could hear something in her voice which I couldn't put in the word.

"Don't wait up for me, lock the door properly and sleep" This time she doesn't answer, but I could hear her let out a heavy breathe.

"Ohh.. that's fine" The way she replied I feel to explain myself, and I did before she thinks I am out for one night stand.

"I am having beer outside in the bar, nothing else"

"You don't have to explain me, bye" she cut the calls, leaving at the edge of frustration. It should be me who need to be angry not her. I made fool of myself by organizing a dinner date for her, thinking it helps us to the bridge of amends which was laughable. But why she sounds afraid? Most importantly disappoint when I told her I'm staying out. It might be my assumption.

I lost track of the time drowning my sorrows or my aggravation or my anger in drinking. I couldn't forget the worry, the hesitation in Jen's voice. If not to stay, I should at least go and check on her, with that thought I walk to our room.

A feeling of relief surges through my veins, watching Jen sleep on her bed. I am thinking too much nowdays I guess, she is fine. But surprisingly my relief turns to worry when I notice Jen juggling into her sleep. She is saying something in her sleep which I couldn't hear. Immediately I fasten my step towards her, I sit near her. My chest tighten, I feel lump rise in my throat, witnessing her shaking badly and crying into her sleep, tears wet her cheeks.

I wipe her tears caressing her cheeks, she has to wake up, he can't bear her aghast muffle sob.

Shaking her body I call her name few times, she dig her fingers into my flesh and scream to let her go, fighting to get out of my hold in panic.

"Jen wake up" I shout a bit louder this time and thankfully she open her eyes.

To be honest, she looks terrible, her eyes are red and puffy. She looks up , and I see that she does not recognize me, she blinks at me for a moment then shove me away, getting up on her trembling feet. Like a mad woman , she starts throwing the things out of the drawer, searching for something. Jen's face went grey green as if she is going to be sick

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