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This chapter dedicated to  svmvlv kavitamesal IamCrystal03 Kyuziziwife


A noise of tight slap echoed throughout the room, the music stop and silence erupt in the room. Jenny cuss under her breath, completely stun with the scene pull out before her. Jen's face reddened, a spark of anger flash in her eyes, I slowly rub my cheek.

"When a woman says no you need to stop, respect her word" she lashes out pointing a finger. She is shaking with the rage, her voice is deep, brimming with the anger.

"Thank god you didn't make any move on her, or it would be you at the receiving point" Jenny slowly mumble into my ears, Jenny's voice jolts me out of my thoughts. Freak man, I was day dreaming about our kiss and I actually thought, it was me who got slapped. Quickly I remove my hand from cheek and glare to the guy who is fuming at Jen.

"You" With furious growl he launch himself at Jen, without wasting a moment I jump into the fight.

"Don't you dare" I curl my hand into fist as I watch him, defiant in the face of my most threatening glare.

"I don't need your help, I can handle this by myself" Jen complained with a big frown at her face, what's her problem. I scowl at her, and turn my focus on that guy, definitely this is not time to argue with her.

The guy looks flush under the number of accusing eyes, he looks down with the embarrassment.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to frighten your girlfriend, it's just harmless fun" the guy raise his arms in defends and mutter his apology.

"Excuse me, I'm not his girlfriend and it wasn't funny at all" Jen interrupted again, she needs to shut her mouth.'

'Oh..I'm sorry again, I thought...anyway" with those words he walk away from us and get vanish in the crowd.

The music starts again, we are still standing in mid of the crowd, looking furiously at each other. Suddenly, a pair of hand approaches us.

"Wow, Ms. Davis that was cool" Jenny chirp like a fangirl, she slip her arms around her neck and kiss her cheek, I guess it's not her but it's the alcohol in her system. The expression of Jen's face is priceless, she is beyond being astounded. Jenny starts moving on the number forcing Jen as well to move, it's quite annoying. Fury and irritation is subtle on Jen's face, she is trying to fetch Jenny from the dance floor but stubborn Jenny doesn't budge a bit. I know its bad but I'm enjoying Jen's uneasiness. Shaking my head, I try to walk away from them but Jenny grabs my arm and flash me her mischievous grin, I smell trouble here.

While swaying her hips in the tune, she removes her arm from Jen and walk seductively closer to me. She flung her arms around my neck and moves her body in the flirtiest manner. I have a feeling she is consciously doing it to make Jen jealous, I turn my gaze to Jen who is staring us with a scowl on her face, and the idea of paly along is most enticing but I decided against it.

"Jenny, what are you doing?" I hold her shoulders making some space between us.

"What do you think I'm doing, I'm dancing...genius" she answered narrowing her eyes at me as if I'm dumb to ask this at first place.

Jen just shake her head and start walking away from us.

"it's look like someone is jealous, you can thank me later" Jenny mumble into my ears, it may look very intimate scene from afar for people but this is quite irritating for me.

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