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I could hear someone talking to me, hand caressing my cheek softly, I tried to open my eyes, but everything is just blurry. My mouth dried and I felt everything is spinning around me. I was waiting for my eyes to adjust the dimness inside when I heard a hoarse voice close to me.

"You, ok?" a concerned voice alert me, before I could contemplate what's happening, I found myself trapped with my tormentor.

"How frequent??" I couldn't understand what he implying, I am still in daze.

"I saw you fainting on me number of times to my liking" displeasantely he glares me, making me more flinch on his sofa.

Then,  my breaths start to quicken as I recollect Scarlet sitting next door.

"Scarlet?" I tried to get up hastily, but Rick hold my shoulders firmly to stop me.

"She is not here" I stare him in perplex.

"What do you mean by she is not here?" Clutching his shirt in fierce, I howl at him. Rick doesn't look shocked, nor he flinched. To my absolute surprise, he seems bored.

"It's quite annoying when you play dim ... it's simple, she is gone while you were resting on my couch." He said getting up from my side, he put his hands in his jacket pocket and pull out with an expression on his face, suggesting that I am talking insane.

"You let her go" bemused, I couldn't hold my mouth, his face scrunches up as he sees what I am talking about.

"I don't need her as far as you comply," My eyes widen in a shock, he raises his eyebrow, giving me a winning smirk. I don't recall my self-agreeing to his term, but do I have another option. I notice that I left the marks of my nails on his face, the red scratches on his face making him look more devious, yet immaculately handsome. A little satisfaction to me for marring his face.

"Wow, you played again!" I shake my head in disappointment, I fail to understand how low Rick could stoop.

"Who do you think you are, threatening me? Don't you ever dare to threaten me, Scarlet, or Mrs. Karen, this time I would not give in to your bluff" I mumble under my breath through clenched teeth, anger took control of my body, and I could feel dark power inside me rise.

"Since when I am known for empty threat?" Suddenly Rick's demeanor shifted into predatory, his tall frame looming over me, my jaw dropped and my body tremble with his dark look. Yet I face him squarely and ignored the tingling along the back of my neck.

"Let me enlighten you Jen, I am being very patient with you. I am not forcing anything upon you, if you don't care about anything, you can freely walk away. Have my words, I won't stop you." I could clearly see on his face, he wouldn't let me go as he claimed. Rick appears more imposing by the minute, I began to see why his presence makes people intimidate. Slightly boggled, I stared at him, horrified. I know he thinks two steps ahead of others, calling Scarlet may be his way of showing me he holds the card, but I know thinking this is just a bluff would be stupidity. I am badly stuck, I forced to think if my own self- respect is above Scarlet and Mrs. Karen, their happiness... once again I don't want Scarlet to suffer because of me, she had enough in the past. And there's what about me, my life has already ruined, thanks to this narcissistic man. Anyway, there is no glimpse of any light in my dark life, and if by scorching myself into flames, I could bring brightness into the lives of people I care, then why not.

"Fine, if giving you baby could toss you out of my life, then I'm so into it" My hatred boiled to the surface, my fist curled and tighten. During our project, my heart started melting towards Rick, I questioned myself for not forgiving Rick. Jen you are epic, I had to laugh at you for believing that Rick actually cares for you. My sub-conscience scoffs.

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