Chapter 2

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“I’ll keep him company while you go and get changed. Be fast about it and don't keep me waiting.”Hunter said, flashing my mom an evil smile.He seemed to be enjoying this moment very much and I felt very helpless.

“Please let me go. Please!" I begged him but he didn’t appear to be moved at all. He was still pointing the gun at my head.

A few minutes later, my mom came downstairs. 

“Hun-t-"Before my mom could finish mentioning his name, he slapped her right across her face. I grimaced as the slap echoed through the room.

“Shut up you wretched thing! Did I give you permission to speak? I don’t know which wretched baby you’re carrying that refuses to get aborted. I hate you! The least I can do is to get rid of this one. And as for you, you belong to me."

My eyes widened. Mom was pregnant?
And Hunter forced her to have an abortion? This man was just purely evil.

He tied my hands at my back with a very thick rope and led me to his car while my mother followed us timidly.

Once we all got settled, he sped off. I looked back at the house and wondered silently to myself if this would be the last time I would be seeing the place I had grown up to call home. Tears rolled down my cheeks as we got further away. Within few minutes, we had reached a very desolate place. It was already the first week of December and it had already started snowing.

“Do you plan on leaving him out here in the middle of nowhere?”My mom asked sobbing bitterly.

“Oh yeah. Or you prefer I kill him? I want him to die naturally without me pulling the trigger and I think this frosty cold is just enough to do the job. See you in the next life, Alexander Norman."

He said before giving me one of his multi-million evil smirks. He yanked me out of the car into the frosty, chilly air.

My mom quickly ran to me and kissed me on the forehead.

“I know you’re not gonna die out here. Someone will find you. I love you Alex and I hope we’ll be together again one day. I love you so much, never forget that. I’m doing this because I want you to live. Goodbye”.

My mother managed to say before Hunter grabbed her, pulling her away from me. Even though he had pointed a gun at her, she was still yelling and kicking.

“I love you too mom!”

I shouted back. She turned back to look at me and continued crying as Hunter pushed her into the car,

He sped off, leaving me totally alone in an abandoned place. I was shivering badly. I started crying again.

Exhausted from crying, I dropped on the pathway by the road that was not covered with much snow. My lungs tightened and I felt like my oxygen supply was shut out.

My breathing now changed to deep, short gasps. I was running out of breath.

My eyes squinted as I tried to adjust to a sudden bright light. I could only make out the bright headlights of an oncoming car. I could hear faint voices talking around me.

“Looks like he’s having problems breathing”.

“We’ve got to save him”.

“Hurry up”.

“Carry him. Let’s go”.

Someone lifting my body off the cold ground is the last thing my mind processed before I slipped into unconsciousness, my eyes shutting and drifting to a pitch-black world.

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